The Rumbling

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You know it, it was only a matter of time.


Shinshinjane "Before we start, I would like to let everyone know that this song is the build-up towards the upcoming future in your world, and the build-up feels and emotions Eren has been hiding for a very long time."

No one wasn't sure what she meant but were looking forward to whatever song is coming next. They lean forward only to be blown away by the roaring voices echoing off from the speakers. Literally.

Shinshinjane "And now for the opening!"

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Shinshinjane "And now for the opening!"

Erwin 'This explains so much about Eren's struggles and the world around us.'

Armin "How can you kill all those innocent people!?"

Eren "Do you step on a bug and feel sorry for it or do you carry on with your day?"

Shinshinjane "To be honest, those people wanted all of your kind to be wiped off of the map. Dead and gone for good. Calling you guys devils. All because of what your ancestors did to them 2000 years ago, and they still carry on that hate. Ironically they are being hypocrites themselves with how they treat your people. This constant fuel of hate is intoxicating, and it needs to stop. We can thank Eren for that."

Armin "But-"

Eren "Stop it, Armin. I've seen the future in every outcome I can think of, and the results are much likelier the same."


Time Skip

With everyone talking over how Eren's words in the lyrics and how powerful the song was, Shinshinjane thought now is the best time to tell them a story she remembers from her childhood.

Shinshinjane "There's an old tale called Noah's Ark. A man named Noah received a message from God warning him that he will call upon a mighty storm to flood the earth to wash away all men and women, for they have sinned the earth. To escape such a fate, God chose Noah to build an ark to survive the flood. An ark to hold one pair of every animal on the planet and Noah's family. When Noah spoke to the people about his message from god as he was building his ark, they all laugh at him believing it to be a joke. However, the rain did come and those who did not believe in Noah were drowned to their deaths. After forty days and nights, Noah released a white dove to find land, upon its return the second time in its bill was a fresh leaf that it had picked off from an olive tree. The land was found in the new world god has given them."

The theater went quiet. It is wrong to kill millions of people, but on the other hand, they condemned themselves to evil, and it was god's choice.

Shinshinjane "Despite all men and women dying, Noah prayed for their souls to be saved in god's grace. And as for Eren and the rumbling, Eren traveled all over the world and said "I'm sorry" to every human on the planet before starting the rumbling."

Hange "I don't like how this future is going to be, but can we at least try to find another way?"

Eren "It's almost slim to none, but if you can then go for it. If it doesn't work out or any other plans don't work then The Rumbling will be the last resort."

Levi "Fair enough. This world is nightmarish anyway."


Note: Sorry for springing the bible tale story of Noah and his ark, I just have to use it as a comparison to the Rumbling. Much like the phoenix. The bird of rebirth.

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