I'm Still Standing - Elton John

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Despite losing in his first rounds against his opponents, Eren is still standing. Stronger and wiser than before.

The scouts couldn't help but to jump in their seats at the rhythm of the beat to this song

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The scouts couldn't help but to jump in their seats at the rhythm of the beat to this song. And yet cringe away at the outfits the dancers are in.

Jean "I do not want to picture you guys in those."

Connie looking ill "Too late."

Berthold rubs his eyes in hopes to "Forget it. Forget it."

Reiner "I think we can all agree to that."

Annie "There is no way I'm wearing that."

All of the girls "Agreed."

All of the boys... *Blush*

Mobit "But the lyrics are still good."

Mike "Yeah, I can see how this would be the boy's song."

Eren Jaeger's PlaylistOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora