supply run.

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The four were running through a field with another man, the one who shot Carl; he said he had someone who could help. Rick was carrying Carl in his arms as Shane kept his eye on Otis.

Leo looked back when he heard Rick grunt, the man was struggling with Carl. Leo was about to step back and help but stopped, "No. no you go- you go and warn them. Run, and tell them what's happened. Hurry!"

"Yeah, okay" Leo nodded and sprinted off towards the distant house. It didn't take him long to get there and he hopped over the fence, ran up to the front door where a woman was stood, "Help! Help!"

"What's wrong?" the lady asked

"Hershel. I-I need Hershel!" Leo walked up the porch.

An old man stepped outside, "What's going on? Who are you?"

"We got a kid who's been shot. He's just being brought here by his dad and we need Hershel, that you?" Leo rushed out between pants, gesturing wildly over to where the others were.

The man looked over his shoulder to Rick who wasn't too far away then back to Leo, "Okay" he went inside and started ordering his family around to get stuff he would need.

Leo stepped down of the porch just as Rick walked over to the house, "They're getting everything set up, Hershel's the old guy" he said and moved out the way so Rick could get Carl where Hershel needed him.

Shane and Otis got to the house just in time for Rick coming back out, "He's alive? He's still alive?" Otis asked anxiously.

Rick looked completely broken and had blood over his face, Shane stepped forward to help his partner out. Rick was on the edge of crying when he stumbled back through the door, the other three following.

"You know his blood type?" Hershel asked when they came into the bedroom.

"A-positive, same as mine"

"That's fortunate, don't wander far I'm gonna need you" he glanced over to Otis, "What happened?"

"I was tracking a buck. Bullet went through it. Went clean through"

Hershel looked to the wound on Carl, "The deer slowed the bullet down, which certainly saved his life. But it did not go through clean, it broke into pieces. If I can get the bullet fragments out... and I'm counting six"

Rick started crying about Lori not knowing that her son had been shot. Leo went outside to sit on the porch so that Rick and Shane could talk to each other. Hershel's place was nice, the sun hit perfectly off the tall surrounding grass and it looked perfectly peaceful: a little barn far off just out of the tree line and a large stable just put the way.

It shouldn't be. Everywhere else was destruction and death. But these people were able to live like this. Leo's life has always been like that. Destruction. Fear. That's all he'd ever know. But this... this was foreign, unfamiliar. And Leo wasn't sure he like it much.

With a long sigh, Leo sat himself down in a nice straw chair. He kept himself looking away from the window into the room Carl was in, he couldn't look in. The young boy started crying and screaming for it to stop. Leo bowed his head and squeezed his eyes shut; he couldn't believe this was happening to Carl. Leo wished he was the one who got shot, so Carl and Rick wouldn't have to be going through this pain; if it was him, no one would care.

The teen was brought from his thoughts when the door opened, Otis walked out first then followed by Rick, Shane and a woman. Leo stood up and walked with them over to the car, "What's going on?"

"Me and Otis are headed to pick up some supplies for Hershel" Shane said.

Leo silently looked over to Rick for a moment, "I'll come"

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