leaving camp.

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Leo noticed a small gash across his abdomen from when he fell, he didn't know what to do with it but didn't want anyone else to worry about him. He used an old shirt and water to try his best to disinfect it- there was no alcohol and the bleeding didn't look terrible (he should probably check up on it in a bit) but Leo left it at that for now, doing his best to block out the pain.

It was the next morning now and everyone, other than the younger kids, were helping with cleaning up all the dead bodies and putting them into separate piles; one for burial and one for cremation, the people at camp who died got buried and walkers got burned.

Andrea had sat all night outside crouching over Amy's body, she got bit by a walker during the attack. And people were starting to get worried but when Rick went to tell Andrea they have to take care of Amy, the woman pulled a gun out on him.

Everyone got back to their chores, being careful around Andrea but giving her space.

It was quiet, a few small conversations goin on between people but everyone was too tired to talk or thinking of the people they'd lost.

"A walker got him. A walker bit Jim!"

Leo looked over his shoulder to Jacqui and Jim, everyone started circling the man so Leo went over too.

"Show it to us" Daryl demanded, "Show it to us"

Jim turned around to pick up a shovel for self defense but T-dog came up from behind to restrain him, "I'm okay, I'm okay" Jim kept repeating. Daryl made quick movements and lifted up his shirt to reveal the large bite mark, Leo's face scrunched with disgust and he turned away for a second.

They all looked sadly to the injured man as he pleaded for his life, that he was okay.

Jim was told to sit on a box, far away from everyone as the rest all discussed on what to do. Daryl was very adamant that they should follow his instructions, "I say we put a pickaxe in his head, and the dead girls, and be done with it"

"Is that what you'd want? if it were you?" Shane asked the man- obviously not everyone was on the same page.

"Yeah, and I'd thank you while you did it"

"I hate to say it" Dale said, "I never thought I would, but maybe Daryl is right"

Rick spoke up, sounding quite angry that people were willing to kill an innocent man "Jim's not some monster, Dale, or some rabid dog"

"I'm not suggesting-"

Rick cut Dale's explanation short "He's sick. A sick man. We start down that road, where do we draw the line?"

"The line is pretty clear. Zero tolerance for walkers, or them to be" Daryl said

"What if we can get him help? I heard the CDC was working on a cure" Rick told them, Shane shook his head.

"I heard that too. Heard a lot of things before the world went to hell"

Rick persisted on them heading over to the CDC because it would provide them with help but Shane went against that by suggesting an army base at Fort Benning.

Leo caught Daryl glancing back to Jim. The man hidden then ran over to kill him with the pickaxe but Shane and Rick ran over first, Shane standing in front of Jim and Rick pointing a gun to Daryl, "We don't kill the living"

"That's funny" Daryl remarked, "Coming from a man who just put a gun to my head"

"We may disagree on some things, not on this. Put it down, go on" Shane said to Daryl who, very reluctantly, set the pick back down with a glare set on Shane.

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