"Huh? Sorry, what was that?"

Alex and Maia snort and Louise rolls her eyes,

"We were asking if you wanted to come to the cafe with us after school today?"

"Oh, that would be great. I'd love to!"

"Cool, I just got my license, so I'll be driving," Maia declares with a grin.

"NO. WAY. I am NEVER letting you drive me anywhere, ever again!" Alex yells. They argue back and forth while Jasmine reads and smiles slightly, and Louise and I dish about the girl's volleyball team. Call me bitchy, but I love a good gossip

"Do you remember that girl with the blue hair in history yesterday?" Louise asks,

"Yeah, the one who was being gross and flirting with our ANCIENT teacher?"

Louise snorts and nods, "Yeah, her name's Melissa. Anyways, she's captain of the volleyball team, and I heard she was caught making out with Gray in the janitor's closet!"

I roll my eyes at the mention of Gray's name, "Has he seriously had sex with almost all the girls here?" 

"Probably. The only girls whose pants he hasn't gotten into are our group, plus some of the nerdier, quieter girls."

"You know, it's rude to gossip, Louise," an irritating voice says from behind us. I jump and look around to glare at Gray.

"You know, it's even ruder to eavesdrop, Gray," Louise sneers.

"Well, I can't help it if you're practically yelling about my sex life across the gym."

"I was only warning the newbie. I don't want her to risk being near your STD-infested dick."

I widen my eyes in shock at Louise's boldness, then chuckle slightly, smirking at Gray while I'm at it. HA! Two can play at that game! I wait for Gray to make some witty remark, but after a moment of silence, he surprisingly doesn't.

"Did you want something, Gray? Or did you just come to ogle at girl's boobs?" I ask, still smirking.

"No, I just came to ask Louise over here to keep it down. Some of us have sensitive ears... though, now that you say it," Gray starts and runs his eyes up and down my body.

"Pig!" I snap and grab Louise's arm as I stride towards the gym door, screw classes.

"You're blushing!" Louise teases. I roll my eyes and keep walking towards my locker. I reach it and slide down to the floor, my head in my hands.

"I have known him for two days and already, I want to murder him!" I grumble.

"Welcome to the club," Louise snorts and sits down beside me.

"Why is he bothering me!?"

Louise shrugs, "Who knows, there really should be a study on what goes on in that jerk's pea-sized brain."

"Agreed. I thought Maia said Cam was the jerk, not Gray?"

"Usually Gray's scary and brooding, apart from bugging me a bit, Cam usually is the jerk," Louise explains, "He wouldn't dare go near Maia, despite following Gray's every command, Cam would murder him, and he knows that Alex is a lesbian, which surprisingly, neither he nor Cam is assholes about, so he kinda just teases me occasionally."

I nod my head and sigh. I need something else to focus on besides that dickwad. I jump a bit when I hear the bell ring. Had we been talking for that long? huh.

"Is it lunch yet?" I groan.

Louise chuckles and shakes her head, "Nope, we still have an hour to go... though, we could ditch and go get milkshakes or something?"

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