You don't know me

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Hyunjin's pov

The clock on the wall in front of me trikes 11:55 pm. Meaning it's time for me to go home. I look down at the completed finance sheet on my desk, feeling a wave of satisfaction travel through my stiff muscles. I have the three Americanos I had today to thank for that. I stand up slowly, interlocking my fingers as I stretch my arms over my head, with my palms toward the ceiling. I take a few deep breaths, finally feeling some sense of relief. I've been sitting down at this desk all day and nothing feels better than checking off everything I had to do on my to-do list. My dad left the company in my hands and is abroad for God knows how long. I know he's testing me. He wants to see if I can really handle all this work. He wants to see me break down. However, my dad should know by now what kind of person I am and if he wants to see me break down then he's going about all wrong.
Walking out of the building I can see that all the workers have already gone home. I get in my car and at the same time, my phone vibrates. I glance down, sighing, it's an unknown number. I hate dealing with unknown numbers. Whoever it is I would rather ignore them for now. As I drive, my phone vibrates again. I know that it's the same person and I ignore the notification, turning on my radio instead. Ten minutes from home, I receive another message. He or she is very persistent. Depending on my mood when I get home, I might reply.
When I'm home and finally inside. The first thing I do is loosen my tight necktie. "I need a glass of wine," I say to myself as I walk into my kitchen. I pour myself a glass of white wine and walk back to my living room. I sit for a few minutes just sipping my wine until I reach for my phone, deciding to at least read the messages I received earlier.

Unknown number

Hey, it's Felix's friend, Jeongin.
Can we meet up?
It's important.

I stare at the text for a second, it's that guy from the parking lot. What could he want at this hour? And then I reply:

                     I thought you hated me?
                   And how did you get my number?

He responds right away:

That's not important.
I need to talk to you.
It's about Felix.

I write back right away:

               Is he hurt?
                         Did something happen to him?

I stop breathing. He takes a minute to answer until he finally replies:

No, but I'm worried about him.
So can we just meet up tomorrow?

I can feel myself breathing again and I type back:

                                           Okay, xxx cafe at 12.
                                           See you tomorrow.

He responds instantly:


I place my phone down. Felix, I haven't seen him since the morning I dropped him off at his apartment but it's not like I don't think about him every day. I hope he's okay. I pick up my phone again, dialing his number. It rings. Nothing. It rings again, and nothing. I try again, but still nothing. My hand clenches around the phone as I feel my chest tighten with worry. It's late and he's probably asleep. That has to be the reason why he's not picking up. Please let that be the reason. I exhale deeply and my breath comes out shaky. I need to calm down. His friend said that he's not hurt.
I want to see him.

Vanilla+brown sugar (Hyunlix) Where stories live. Discover now