Red light

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Felix's pov

If someone had told me a few years ago, that one day I would be standing in front of a tall company building.....because I had been scouted by a stranger on a tennis court.....on my first day of work. I would have probably thought they were crazy. However, no matter how crazy that sounds to me, this was the exact situation I was facing at the moment. I had been standing here for the past 5 minutes now, to be honest when I was getting ready for work this morning and I picked out a teddy bear hoodie, jeans shorts, leg warmers, and a pair of converse for today's outfit. I didn't really think it through, because now I was too scared to walk through the doors, I felt underdressed, the outside of the building looked so fancy and the people entering looked no different.

After my encounter with Mrs. Hwang yesterday. Which I still couldn't believe happened. I went back to work, and while I did work. I kept thinking about how Hyunjin had caught me staring, I was so embarrassed, the eye contact we shared made me feel all tingly inside. I would catch myself stealing glances at him, and how could everything he do look so attractive? He would just be running his hand through his hair or drinking a bottle of water and my stomach would feel all tingly and weird. At some point he had even tied his hair up, making him look more attractive. I had spent the rest of the day thinking about him. Every time I did, my heart would beat just a little bit faster, and I would think that something was wrong with me. I can't be thinking about someone like that, he's way out of my league. We live in completely different worlds because while he was enjoying his leisurely game of tennis yesterday I was busy picking up every ball he threw. Besides, I had bigger things to think about, like how I needed to reject Mrs. Hwang's offer. She had been so persistent while giving me her business card and telling me I have just the look she was searching for. However, I don't think I have the look she's talking about, So here I was, standing outside, still unable to enter. Jeongin had told me what bus to take and to make sure I'd make it in time for dinner. He wanted to come along, but after some careful convincing that I would be fine, he didn't.

I took in a deep breath and moved my feet forward. Standing outside all nervous wasn't going to help with anything. I walked in, and just like I imagined, I didn't fit in at all. Everybody around me was either wearing the latest trends or something expensive. I was on the first floor, what looked like the reception area. I walked up to the front desk and greeted the girl behind the desk. She was chewing gum and talking on the phone. She paused for a second, looked at me, and went straight back to her call. Great, she's ignoring me.

"Excuse me," I said again.

She placed her phone down on the desk, rolled her eyes, and finally gave me her attention. "Can I help you ?" her tone was rude.

"I have an appointment with Mrs. Hwang."

"Of course you do," I could hear the sarcasm in her voice. This time she looked at my outfit and laughed a little. 

"Yes," I said firmly, I wasn't going to let her be rude to me, just because of my appearance. " Can I see her ?."

"She isn't here." she snapped. " So go home." She looked at me with a disgusted look on her face.

"What I can't go ba-". I was cut off by her voice on the phone again. Great, she's back to ignoring me. What am I going to do now ?. I came all this way just to be humiliated. I moved away from the front desk and took a seat in the waiting area. On the center table in front of me were fashion magazines. I would probably be here for a while, so why not look at something?. I opened the magazine and was shocked for a second, on the first page were pictures of Hyunjin. My chest went tight again, like the first time I saw him. He looked gorgeous like he was born to be a model. I bit my lip a little.

"Like what you see ?." It was that same velvety voice from yesterday. I turned around slowly, I knew who it belonged to, but I was hoping it wasn't him. However, It was him, it was Hyunjin, he stood there looking at me, smirking at my now-red cheeks. I felt hot.

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