"Well next time, try to clear your mind! The message was a bit jumbled with your own thoughts, but it all makes sense now. Those were some scary images!" He laughs

"I—I—" I start to stutter, I'm not sure how to respond to his comment, but I understand his advice and take note of it.

I'm realizing this is the first actual conversation I've had with someone in... a long time, my brain is rattling right now trying to come up with appropriate responses.

Kakarot notices my wariness, he squeezes my shoulder again, "Here, let me try to show you in a different way, can I read your mind?" He asks gently

I look up at him again, unsure at first, but looking into his eyes I see the genuineness of his question, no trace of malice at all. With my cheeks feeling hotter than the sun, I slowly nod, deciding to trust him.

He removes his hand from my shoulder, and places it on top of my head, "Now just clear your mind, and let me in. Show me who you are."

I instantly become fixated in his stare, and all the clamoring thoughts in my brain seem to quiet down. I find myself remembering my mother, how she would sing her lullaby to me before bed, or when I needed comfort. In that moment I'm transported to her warm touch, stroking my face while her soft voice brought me peace.

'Go to sleep you little babe... Go to sleep you little babe'

I begin to remember the Saiyans I befriended on my home planet, training with them by day and laughing around a campfire with them by night like a family. The familiar face of Bardock appears smiling at me in a faint memory.

'Your daddy's gone away and your mama's gonna stay, didn't leave nobody but the baby'

I remember the Saiyan Elders who taught me so much about our ancestors, who wanted to teach me the ancient way and help me discover the meaning behind my mysterious mark.

'Don't you weep, pretty babe... Don't you weep, pretty babe'

The memory of Frieza taking me enters my mind, decades of pain seeming to go by in a flash.

'You and me and the Devil makes three, don't need no other lovin' baby...'

The feeling of a tear running down my face snaps me out of my trance, I break eye contact and wipe it away quickly.

"My... Name is Xylias. it's nice to finally meet you, Kakarot." I say quietly, looking back up to him, my face still feeling slightly flushed.

He studies me for a moment, his facial expression unreadable. "That guy... we look so alike... Was he...?"

"Your father, yes. His name was Bardock, he was a great friend to my mother and I." I cut him off, looking away sheepishly.

I look back at him, his facial expression softened to one of understanding, "and the singing?"

The red deepens on my cheeks from the vulnerable memory, "That was my mother, from what I remember at least."

"Wow... Another Saiyan huh? That makes your power even more interesting, I wonder if I could..." he trails off, seemingly lost in thought.

He regards me for a moment, scratching his chin in thoughtfulness, "I understand now, thank you for sharing that with me. Don't worry about Frieza anymore, I can take it from here."

I stand up quickly to face him, he still towers over me a good few inches though. "No Kakarot, you don't understand. We need to fight together to finally put an end to him, he'll be back here any time now. We need to figure out a strategy." I fire back

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