70|The END.

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Happy New Year🎉🎊

Hello Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

Before you read (I'm sure no one will actually go through this AN anyways) know that Amirah and Kamal loves you.

It's my Birthday Tomorrow😎.

I pray that 2023 gives you what your heart needs. Ameen.


Thank You for the Happiest days of my life.



I released a huge sigh of relief after having my daughter placed atop my chest, too tired to move a limb all I could do was smile at the nurse and my mother who was staring down at me with tears in her eyes and her hand holding mine in a firm grip.

A daughter. My daughter. It evoked another smile on my face.

"Alhamdulillah Amirah. Alhamdulillah." Ummi smiled and thanked the nurse who offered her a chair to sit directly beside me. She helped me up and adjusted the baby from my chest to my awkward arms for feeding.

I was absolutely clueless as to what to do despite the books I made Kamal read to me, it was like everything flew out of my head the moment I saw her. She was a pretty thing, although slightly pink but wrapped up in a white shawl over some kind of white baby clothes from what I could see. She was unlike anything I've ever beheld before, her eyes were closed and her wide mouth was dry. Ummi and a nurse helped me feed her.

I felt the first suck at every part of my body, like little zaps of electricity were exploding in every part, I shut my eyes close at the sensation and held the head closer as per their instruction.

Labor came to me two days after our arrival to London, UK. I made Mommy, Ummi and Sumayyah promise not to call and tell Kamal that I was in labor until everything was over. I was offered to be given the epidural injection to decrease the pain I was experiencing, I declined because of two reasons,

1. I've read about it and its side effects,
2. I wanted in on the whole experience.

Now that I've had a taste of what it feels like I made a mental note that next time side effects or not I was getting that injection because it fucking hurts.

It took me six hours of pain to deliver this big-headed cutie. I was already moved to a private ward where I knew a lot of fussing over was coming my way especially after Mommy walked into the room dabbing her eye with a tissue and her phone held in a way that told me she was on video call.

She turned the screen and Kamal's face stared back at me, he looked seventy shades of worried as his eyes roved over me before they settled on the baby in my slacked arms.

A yawn slipped out of my lips before I could speak a word.

"Alhamdulillah, you should get some sleep. We'll talk when you wake up." He voiced out before I could find my voice.

"It's a girl." I whispered in between yawns.

Man was I sleepy.

I couldn't say much about what happened next because when I woke up my Daddy was in the room talking on the phone. A huge smile broke over his face as he rushed towards me promising whoever he was talking to on the phone that he will call back later.

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