|55|Playing it His Way.

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Hello My Loves.
If I were you I won't read this update until I see the next🙃.


Playing It His Way.....


Amirah's POV

I sat before my vanity table rubbing oil on my skin while staring at my reflection on the mirror. What was staring back at me wasn't the me I was used to. No hair or eyelash or nail extension. That was weird and it was getting weirder by the day because I shunned off a lot of people who told me not to wear extensions off but the moment I read of the depth of their sins I blanched.

The only time that Kamal looked at me with an expression that wasn't full of scorn on his face was yesterday at Fatimah's house, and that was only to show the world that his mind wasn't filled with thoughts of how to strangle me for defying him at every point.

With a sigh I combed through my hair and applied lipgloss, curled my lashes with mascara and held tight onto my Fushia Pink Satin robe whilst heading towards the wardrobe. I was almost fully settled in this room now because it has all my needs.

Humming to myself and dancing to the rhythm I created, I picked out a navy blue long sleeved dress. I want to go visit Fatimah and my little sweetheart but I wasn't into seeing that dude.

Okay, maybe I do want to see him. But only a little.

He sent me a text message earlier saying that he wanted to speak to me, that we needed to 'talk'. Running away from this house will be a mechanism for avoiding that 'talk'. I am not really running away though, I will just be taking a break from it and him and elongating the time before we have that talk further away from now.

Feeling the need to ensure that my makeup was well done I went back to the vanity and sat.

The door to my room quirked open and I turned my head so fast I thought it went 360 on me only to find Kamal standing there. One shoulder lazily propped on the wall.

Oh hello.

"You have visitors." The deep sound of my partner's voice sent flutters into my stomach much to my annoyance.

My own body betrays me over his presence after all the betrayal he did to us. It actually has a mind of its own.

I turned, feigning disinterest but he obviously had something to say so I stared at him through the mirror with a brow raised up.

"Who are they?" I finally asked, the very same moment a message popped up on my phone from Mufasa and it read-.

Are you ditching us for your man or what? We didn't come all the way to be ignored.


My eyes flew to Kamal's before it dawned on me.

Ohhhhh Lordamercy!

I flew out of my chair so fast it knocked to the ground as I made a dash to the door only to be stopped by Kamal's unmoving frame. That man is made of rock.

His eyes stared at me, the orbs were mysteriously turning darker as the seconds passed, that made me move back the slightest bit to understand what was happening.

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