Chapter 1: The Great Trial

Start from the beginning


Timeskip brought to you by authors was having PSTD about yandere.


In the Grassland, A big space for building the capital. Franky decided teach Y/N how to be the capital.

Franky: Ok mr. Y/N, Did you know how to build the capital?

Y/N: I..... I think I'm confused?

Franky: Don't worry, Just close your eyes and raise you arms and think of the city you built.

Y/N close his eyes and raise his arms, A bright yellow light appears in horizons. Sally was watching his brother creating his own capital.

Sally: *Though* If he image female breast, I will kick him in the balls.

The lights dies down, Y/N open his eyes see the city he created.

The lights dies down, Y/N open his eyes see the city he created

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Franky: Congratulations, You have created your own capital.

Y/N: Yeah. That was pretty good.

Sally: *Murmured* Show off.

Franky: Now then, Let's take you to your new home.

Y/N/Sally: *Though* New home?

Few minutes laters.

Both were shock to see their new home.

Both were shock to see their new home

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Franky: Y/N, Sally. This is your new home.

Y/N/Sally: Coooooool~

Y/N: So this is ours....... right?

Franky: Yes, You are the new leader right?

Sally: Hey! What about me!?

Franky: You are the princess.

Sally: Huh, Good enough with me.

Y/N: Wait, I saw the window hub that said "Build your own military". Is that mean I have to be a military?

Franky: Yes, The monster will invade the island continent.



Franky: What about you build it tomorrow than. It's bloody late btw.

Y/N/Sally: Okay.

Y/N: *Though* I think that me & my sister will be here for the long time. What could go wrong.


Location | Demon Underworld.

3rd person pov

In the demonic underworld, A demon lord appear in the throne. But however, The demon appears to have big breast, Short purple hair, Horns on her head, With wings at the back and red eyes.

Demon lord: Ara~ Ara~ My army will invade this world with the iron fist~ And soon all the male in the world will been my sex slaves~

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Demon lord: Ara~ Ara~ My army will invade this world with the iron fist~ And soon all the male in the world will been my sex slaves~

She licks her lips as the army of demon wants to conquer the world.


Next Chapter 2: Building the army

???: So, This will be the new base.

???: That's alot of army.

???: Been ready for 4 days invasion, War is coming.

Creating the advanced Empire in Another World (Male & Sis Reader X Anime Cross) Where stories live. Discover now