Chapter Twenty

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I dragged my bags up to the front porch of my mothers cute little house in California, and knocked on the door, form inside I could hear footsteps getting closer to the door, then it opened.

"Liv!" my mother screeched pulling me into a tight hug, I squeezed her tightly back "Hi mommy" I smiled, she examined the bags behind me and gave me a confused look.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a few days?" I asked, she picked up my smaller bag and smiled "of course honey you're always welcome here" I nod and picked up my larger bag.

"besides I think you have some explaining to do, I've seen all the Zayn stuff all over tv, is that why you're here?" she asked walking down the hallway to my tiny bedroom.

"I guess you could say that" I shrugged lifting the heavy bag onto the bed, mom sat down and patted the spot beside her "honey what is it?" she asked giving me a questionable look. "Niall's just being an asshole" I mumbled, mom frowned.

"How so?" she asked wanting me to elaborate. "the only words he's said to me in the last week was "this has nothing to do with you, get out" my eyes started to water due to my frustration, with Niall and his stupid ways.

"Why would he say that?" she asked shocked and confused, I shrugged and threw my hands in the air "I don't know! He's an ass sometimes!"

"Like he's being a baby about everything that's going on, and it's like he doesn't realize that everybody else is hurt not just him and if he could get over himself for more than three seconds he would realize that his friends, and his girl friend need him too!" I yelled frustrated, I started to cry a bit more than I already was and my mom rubbed circles on my back.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry" she half smiled at me "does he know you're here?" she asked.

"No, he doesn't care anyways, we all just packed up and left, everyone went their separate ways so we could have some time away" I shrugged.

"well I guess it's already been a month in Australia-"

"which has made my life super shitty" I added

"It'll get better honey, I promise it will" she stood up and kissed my head "now go clean up and I'll make some cookies" I nodded and she walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

I sent Harry, Liam, Jackson, and Louis and quick text saying:

L: Hey, just wanted you to know that I'm at my moms and I'll be here for a little while if you need to get a hold of me or something, if Niall happens to ask where I am (Which I doubt he will) just tell him I need space, talk to you soon.

And I jumped in the shower, and exchanged my jeans and tee-shirt with some sweat pants and a lose sweater.

I could smell the cookie my mum baked as I walked down the stairs, their was a plate filled with fresh cookie and beside a note with my name on it.

Liv; got called into work but I'll be home around midnight help yourself to whatever you would like, and get some rest. I'll call you later, love you.

I set the note back down on the table and grabbed a juice box from the fridge. Now what am I going to do?

I guess I could go walk around and find something to do that way, may as well I mean what else is their to do.

I slipped on my shoes, and made my way outside, it was a bit cloudy outside but still warm enough for what I was wearing.

This would be so much more fun if I was with my friends, and my boyfriend, who's being to big of a baby to even talk to me right now.

I honestly just want him to hold me, and to tell me that everything's going to be okay, I miss him I really do, but it's like he doesn't even care about me right now.

I followed the street until I came up to a small cafe and I found a table and sat down, their way a man sitting across from me with a black ball-cap on, I couldn't tell what it said because it was so worn out.

His shirt was a very faint shade of blue, and i had small rips in it, he had on jeans which had dirt on them, and were also fraying towards the bottom.

What a classy guy, I noticed him staring at me with his creepy blue eyes, and his greasy nine a clock shadow.

I gave him a casual smile, because he probably noticed that I was staring at him, but he just glared at me. and got up walking towards a beaten up red truck which was rusting around the tires and had a medium sized dent on the passengers side door.

This man is like the definition of creepy, A waited walked over to me blocking my view of the strange man and asked me for my order.

"Just some coffee please" I mumbled to the man, he nodded and walked back over to the counter, when I turned back to the man he was gone, I looked down both sides of the road but he was nowhere in sight.

How does one get away so fast, that is seriously strange and creepy.


I walked on the side walk on my way home, it was already after midnight my mom was probably wondering where I was probably should have left a note for her so she wasn't worrying about me.

I saw the same red truck from this morning driving towards me, and it began to slow I casually looked around me but their was nothing but trees for a while. I began to worry when the truck just stopped, I reached for my phone just in case but it wasn't there.

My heart began to pound, feeling like it could come right out of my chest and I started walking faster, but still trying to act casual, this is why I don't like to be alone at night I'm always worrying about something bad happening.

the trucks brights were turned on making it near impossible for me to see anything in front of me, I heard the two doors opening and saw to black figures walking my way.

I started to panic and I walked as fast as I could, I scream escaped my lips when a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist and threw me to the ground, my head hit off the sidewalk and I could feel blood trickling down my forehead.

Only second later they were kicking, and punching me I tried to move away but their grip was to strong.

I yelled again but a hand clamped over my mouth, a few seconds later everything was black.

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