Chapter Seventeen

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I stiffly sat up in bed, trying to avoid hitting my ankle off anything in the process, my foot was shining with pain like it was breaking it self over and over again.

I groaned and quietly pulled my self up from the bed, trying not to disturb Niall who was snoring quietly beside me.

"Good morning" Niall smiled rubbing his eyes, I smiled at him and began to walk away. "hey wait!" Niall mumbled running over to me, I laughed when he scooped me off my feet and carried me the rest of the way down stairs carefully putting me down on the sofa beside Zayn who seemed off, like there was something wrong.

I should talk to Zayn I seriously thing there's something wrong, he hasn't been the same in a few days, and he spends a lot of time with Naughty Boy, he's barley around anymore which sucks a lot and I know that for a fact its bugging the hell out of the other boys.

Zayn is their brother, and they hate seeing him upset just as much as I do. "Morning Zayn" Niall smiled at Zayn, Zayn faked a half smile and stared down at the screen of his iPhone, before getting up and walking outside. I watched Niall who's smiled quickly faded, and he looked upset.

Niall made his way out of the room and went back up stairs, I on the other hand managed to hop my way outside without crutches so I could go see Zayn.

He didn't say hello or anything but he noticed I was struggling, and pulled a chair out for me, I silently thanked him and plopped down in the seat watching Zayn who was watching me waiting for me to open my mouth and start a conversation.

"I'm almost positive you wouldn't have just hobbled out here to sit and stare at me" Zayn mumbled looking me in the eyes searching for an answer to his question. "Why did you come out here?"

"What's going on with you?" I asked getting right to the point, Zayn avoided eye contact with me and stood up, before he could go anywhere I stood up on one foot and grabbed his arm.

"Zayn please" I begged, he contemplated it and shook his head "You'll know soon enough" he spoke softly and left me standing there alone, I frowned.

I'll know soon what the hell is that supposed to mean?

I hobbled my way to the stairs and began to climb them one step at a time, I yelped when I accidentally used my broken ankle, and fell back down the stairs "Livia!" Someone yelled I heard a stamped to footsteps coming towards me in all different directions and laid on the floor groaning from the pain falling down the stairs gave my already throbbing ankle.

"Babe" Niall basically dove down the stairs, Liam was first to get to me and he pulled me off the ground "Are you hurt?" he asked worried, Liam passed me to Niall who put me down on the ground but wrapped my arm around his shoulders for balance.

"Don't worry I'm okay" I smiled so they weren't so worried, Liam smiled at me then one by one everyone continued to do their own this again while Niall helped me up the stairs.

"You could have just asked me to come help you Liv" Niall frowned "I'm fine Niall" i insisted even though I was in a lot of pain. I sat down on the bed and patted the spot beside me, Niall sat down looking at me.

"I tried to talk to Zayn" I whispered so no one could hear us "and?" Niall asked "and there's something seriously up with him, I asked what was going and and before he walked away he said 'you'll know soon enough' like what does that even mean?" I asked.

Niall shrugged and looked at the floor "what does that mean" Niall stood up and left me sitting alone, I slipped a pair of cute running shorts on and a purple running tank-top, both things that were easy to get on.

I wish I knew what Zayn meant when he said that, maybe then I could help with whatever's going on.


I heard a car door closing from outside and looked out the window, Zayn was talking to naughty boy, I grabbed my crutches and snuck around the back so Zayn wouldn't see me when I went to talk to Naughty boy, and waiting until Zayn was out of sight to knock on the window.

"Hey" he rolled his window down, I smiled at him and leaned against the car, ducking down so hopefully Zayn wouldn't see me "can I ask you a favour?" I asked he shrugged "can you please tell me what's going on with Zayn?" I asked.

"He hasn't told you yet?"

"Told me what?"

"He's leaving"


"The band" my mouth dropped open, and my heart stopped "what!?" I whispered loudly "yeah, says he's just not really into it anymore" naughty boy shrugged like it was no big deal.

I tipped backwards losing my balance on the crutches but naughty boy grabbed me holding me steady "thanks" I mumbled shocked at what he'd just told me.

Zayn can't leave, he's a huge part of the band this will crush the boys literally crush them. What is he thinking!? Their has to be something else going on that's making him act this way.

"It's probably a good idea that you just keep this between you and me, Zayn wants to tell the guys himself" I nodded at naughty boy and thanked him. He gave me a sad smile and drove off.

He better tell them soon or I will, I can't keep this from my best friends.

A tear slipped down my cheek but I wiped it away, the guys can't seem me crying or they'll suspect something's wrong.

I hobbled over to the bench, at sat their for hours contemplating everything.

Where do broken hearts goTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon