Chapter Eight

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I listened to the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind as I laid in the dirt while munching on the fries we'd gotten from McDonalds.

"This was a good idea" I heard Liam say "mhm" Jackson added with a smile on his face and a mouth full of burger.

"Does anybody know what time it is?" Ashley asked I checked my phone "2:17" I answered taking a sip of my milkshake.

The cold liquid slid down my throat sending chills through my entire body.

"I wanna travel the world" I blurted randomly. "same" Ashley and Jackson mumbled.

"We should do it!" Zayn interjected. we all starred at him.

"All of us! Let's pack a bag and travel, we can go where ever we want I mean the world is our play ground!" He explained. God that would be amazing, traveling the world with all my friends.

I've never been outside of England, leaving would be such an adventure, an amazing adventure. To bad I could never afford that, even if I worked every day for the rest of my life.

"Zayn your forgetting something" I looked at him, he looked confused.

"We can't afford that" I pointed to myself Ashley and Jackson. "Why would you need money? Your best friends with 5 rich celebrities, I think money should be the least of your worries" Liam smiled at us.

I looked around to Ashley and Jackson who had the same shocked expression on their faces.

"Zayn's right let's go" Niall sat up. "well where would we go first?" Ash asked looking around for ideas.

"Australia" I suggested everybody smiled and nodded their heads, nobody was against the idea so that's good.

"Let's go to Australia then" Liam smiled, along with the rest of us.

"Wait are we being serious?" Eleanor checked "100 percent serious" Zayn nodded confirming with her.

"When would we go?" Jackson asked "we could leave friday, I mean that gives us a couple days to prepare" Niall said to him.

"Who wants to call and make the arrangements?" I asked "let me handle that" El said, we agreed.

"C'mon gang, let's go get some sleep" louis stood up helping a very sleepy Eleanor to her feet. Jackson stood up then reached down for me, I yawned barley able to keep my eyes open.

And reached for his hand, easily he picked me up out of the sand. and we all walked silently back to the boys house.

I cannot believe we're going to Australia! If I wasn't so tired I'd be way more exited, than I am right now.


"Would you get up!" Ashely yelled shaking me, I groaned and refused to open my eyes.

She's been trying to wake me up for a solid 10 minutes but I'm so tired I barley wanna move.

"I don't wanna" I complained snuggling into the blanket.

"We're going shopping for some new cloths and what not" she shook me again and this time I opened my eyes considering the idea.

Shopping would be great, I do need some new beach cloths, and some travel things.

But on the other hand it's 11:30, and I still want to sleep.

I decided on going shopping so I could pick my self some new things for traveling.

It only took me 15 minutes to take a quick shower and get changed into some grey jeans, a plain black v-neck, and a black beanie.

Jackson passed me my green converse and I put them on before sliding into the car beside him.

"How long are we going for anyways?" Niall asked sitting beside me.

"We could spend a week in one area" Louis suggested "but I mean just the trip in general, when will we be back?" He asked again.

"Oh, probably no less than a month" a month in Australia, I wanted to scream and jump around with joy.

"Jackson you good to do a month?" Liam asked, Liam and the rest of the boys thankfully really seem to like Jackson which is awesome cause he's actually a really great guy, I mean at first I was just using him to get to Niall but now I realized that I actually think he's a really amazing guy.

And no that's not just because he's an amazing kisser, he's genuinely a good guy. who I'm really glad I'm friends with.

I smiled to myself. this trip is gonna be amazing.

"Yeah man, I'm good" Jackson answered, Li smiled.

"It's a good thing I've been saving up" Ashley said which made Zayn laugh.

"Oh yeah, by the way out plane leaves tomorrow morning at 7:00" Eleanor said from behind me.

I groaned, I hate getting up early. "how much should I pack?" I questioned "cloths, makeup, laptop, camera. I don't know at least a big bag and a carry on" Harry answered "don't forget we're going to be shopping down there to" Ashley added.

I nodded making a mental note of that.


"What about this one?" Harry asked me holding a plain black bikini in the air. "he's right, with your skin it would suit you perfectly" Niall smiled at me, I smiled back and took the bathing suit from Harry.

"Wear this over top" Jackson said handing me a white dress, for over top of bathing suits.

I took it from him. and continued to search through the shelves of clothing.

It's weird having a bunch of guys help me pick out my outfits, something that's going to be hard to get used to.

"This?" I asked holding up a black 'Metallica' crop top "yes" Zayn said I added the shirt to my collection of cloths.

"Okay I'll get another pair of shorts, and pants then I'm done" I said passing the girl at the counter my large pile of cloths.

"Yeah, I've already bought an entirely new wardrobe" Ashley mumbled passing her things to the other cashier.

I paid for my cloths then grabbed the four bags from her. thankfully after every shop we put our things into the car so we didn't have to carry them around with us.

"Here" Niall took my bags from me and carried them himself, considering this was a store consisting of only woman's clothing so he didn't have any bags.

"Thank you" I smiled at him. and we all left the store. "we should probably get going, it's late and we still need to pack" El said walking beside me.

"Okay, everybody should bring their things to my place we'll pack there" I suggested "alrighty, we'll have the car drop you guys off at home then we'll be back with our things" Liam said as we all crammed in the car with all of the dozens of bags we all had.

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