Chapter Thirty-Six

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I followed Niall down the stairs where the gang was waiting for us, so we could go and see Ben, in preparation for the wedding which was only a matter of hours away.

"Liv I've called the florist to make sure they know that the flowers need to be in place by 10:00, and they said they have already started loading" Allison said happily, I gave her a smile and climbed into the van.

"Okay, boys you have you suits correct?" I asked scanning each of the boys. "Yes, they're waiting for us at the hotel where everyone's meeting to get ready"

"Has anyone checked our hotel reservations to make sure we have the right number of rooms for the guests?" Ashley asked I nodded my head.

"Done, and everything's in order, also the three limos will be waiting outside the hotel for 3:00pm, and we will arrive in groups" I answered.

"Groomsmen you'll be arriving with the groom, bridesmaids you'll be arriving together. Then lastly Lynda and her father will arrive in a white hummer limo. So be ready"

Everyone nodded "you look more tense then the bride does" Niall made a joke. I tried to laugh but it just couldn't happen.

I was nervous, Lydia has trusted me enough to put me in charge of her wedding and as much as I don't want to see my father marring another woman. I want this wedding to be perfect.

"Everything needs to be perfect" I warned as I stepped out of the van and walked into the reception hall to make sure everything was looking to way it was supposed to look.

"It will look perfect, you've done a great job babe there's nothing to worry about" Niall placed a hand on my back reassuringly and I smiled lightly.

"Thank you" he nodded. "Liv!" My dad yelled jogging over to us, I gave him my undivided attention.

"What's up?"

"There's no band" my mouth dropped open and I swear I almost fainted, I clearly wasn't the only one. My dad looks like he's about to have a stroke. "What are we supposed to do. The wedding is in two hours!" He panicked.

Niall stepped in front of me and placed his hands on my dad's shoulders. "Ben you've got nothing to worry about, we can handle it. The boys won't mind" a flood of relief came over my dad and he nodded.

"Thank you Niall" he mumbled, my dad gave one last nod and walked off. "Niall are you sure?" I asked, he pulled me into his chest and kissed me.

"I'm 100 percent sure" I blushed "the girls and I need to go get ready, besides you've got some preparing to do" I smiled, Niall nodded and we walked off in different directions, I walked quickly in my direction so I could get to my destination fast, with only hours left until the wedding, things were crazy, it seemed like there was so much left to do in so little time. 

I hustled through the hallways and walked into the kitchen where the caterers were fast at work preparing what better be a master piece, I swear if they mess this up, someone is going to pay, this needs to be perfect. "Is everything almost ready?" I asked walking through the kitchen, everything looked like it was supposed to, only nothing was cooked, at least all the prep is done, and looks delightful "Darling there is nothing to worry about" Donna the woman leading the catering team gave me a reassuring smile and ushered me out the doors. 

"Okay, just call if you need something" I told her, she nodded and was quick to get back to work, cake, now to figure out what's going on with the cake. I pulled out my cell phone and dialled the cake guys number, waiting patiently for him to answer "Livia" he answered sounding cheerful, that's always a good sign, at least I hope it is.

"Cake is done, looks perfect, and I will have it to you on time" I smiled "Thank you" I said, and I hung up the phone I turned around to see Harry trotting down the hallway towards me, looking as cheerful as ever "I love weddings" he mumbled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I giggled, of course Harry would love weddings, I swear, whoever gets the pleasure of dating this boy should consider themselves lucky, he would make the perfect boyfriend, If I wasn't already maddly in love, and faithful, I would totally get with him.

I laughed at myself and Harry grinned "Quit thinking about me" I laughed "you wish" I punched him playfully in the shoulder "So Niall tells us that we're the band" Harry asked, I nodded "I hope thats okay I-"

"-I'm excited" He said, I nodded, and continued to walk with Harry by my side "Shouldn't you be getting ready or something?" he asked "I should, but theres just so much I need to do still, It'll have to wait" I shrugged, Harry stopped me, and grabbed the list from my hand "Harry" I said reaching out for my list, Harry held it above his head where he knew I wouldn't be able to reach it because he was taller than I was. 

"Go and get ready, I can handle the last few things, you need to relax before you have a stroke" Harry instructed me "No, You have more to do than I do, you need to get ready to be the band" I mumbled "It's nothing I haven't done a million times, I don't need to practice" he informed me, I suppose thats true,but I don't want to leave anything to chance, especially when something so important is on the line. 

"Harry please?" I mumbled, he shook his head "No, go get something to eat,  and a coffee then get ready, I'll make sure everything on this list is done, I promise it will still be perfect"  I sighed and nodded, "Everything needs to be perfect Harry, I need it to be perfect" Harry leaned down kissed the top of my head, and pushed me towards the exit.

"You have nothing to worry about" he promised, I took a deep breath and nodded, he better be right.

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