Chapter Fourteen

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I starred at my phone on the counter watching it buzz, arguing with myself debating if I wanted to answer it or not.

Do I really want to talk to my dad, am I even ready to talk to him after everything he's done to my mom and I?

"Liv" Ashley mumbled starring at me with a confused look "answer it" Harry added pushing the phone closer to me.

I shook my head and Niall reached for my phone answering it.

I glared at him "hello" he said casually.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"That's good"

"She's actually right beside me" I have him a dirty look.

"Of course, here" Niall passed me the phone, I took it and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Livia?" He mumbled into the phone "Ben" I said coldly

"How have you been?" He asked, better since you left.

"Fine" I shrugged.

"I heard you were in Australia" I rolled my eyes, of course my mother would tell him that.

"I was wondering if we could meet for dinner, I have reservations at some fancy place, and I have something I would like to talk to you about" he said casually.

"Your in Australia?" I asked "well I'm just here on business for a few days, going back to Florida on Tuesday night" thank god it's Monday.

I sighed "just text me the address and if I feel like going ill go"

"Okay, talk to you soon sweetie" I hung up the phone and dropped it on the counter.

"Niall your an asshole" I spat, he shrugged and pulled me onto his lap.

"What did he want?" He asked, I looked around at everybody else who were doing their own things now.

"He wants to meet me tonight for dinner" Niall half smiled "so your going?" He asked happily

"Doubt it" I mumbled pulling away from Niall, he got up and followed me.

"Why not?" He asked. "I don't want to see him" I shrugged, why is that so hard for everybody to understand?

It's my damn life people, if I want to do something I will.

"I'll go with you" I smiled at Niall "even if I wanted to go I wouldn't make you come with me" Niall pulled me to his side while we walked.

"Baby I'm offering, and besides I haven't seen Ben in years it would be nice to catch up, so dress nice we're going" Niall kissed my cheek and left me alone in my room to get ready.

I guess there's no way out now, I wish Niall would just let me stay home.

I groaned and walked over to my suitcase, I spent at least an hour rummaging through my cloths to find something to wear.

I want something that will show my dad that I've changed and that I'm not his little girl anymore.

I changed into the dress that I wore to go on my date with Jackson, and some black heels.

I removed my hair from the braid it was in and curled it, then put on my usual makeup which was just foundation, eyeliner, and mascara.

"You ready yet?" Niall said knocking on my door, I pulled it open and he grinned down at me.

He was dressed in one of his best tuxes with a black bow tie.

"You look beautiful" he extended his arm out and I grabbed it "your not so bad yourself" I said as we walked down the stairs.

Whistles erupted when we entered the room and everybody was smiling at us "damn" Jackson said looking at me.

"Oh God you guys are cute!" Eleanor said passing me my phone.

Niall took it from me and shove it in his coat because I had no pockets.

"We better go before we're late" Niall and I made our way out to his car.

"It's not to late to back out of this" I mumbled Niall pushed me lightly into the car and closed my door.

"Nope" he started to drive, I stuck the address my dad gave me into the GPS and Niall followed the directions.

"Please can we just get Chinese and go home" I begged as we pulled up in front of the restaurant.

There's we're dozens of reporters waiting for us flashing their cameras trying to get a shot of Niall and I.

"No, it won't be that bad I promise" he parked the car and we both got out, hordes of people ran at me telling questions that I couldn't understand.

Niall was at my side in seconds guiding us into the restaurant.

When my dad saw us coming his mouth dropped open and he walked over to us.

"Look at you guys all grown up" he smiled pulling Niall into a hug.

"Liv you look so different from wen I last saw you" he said hugging me.

"Yeah well growing up without a father usually has that effect on people" I growled Niall nudged my arm and glared at me.

Ben pulled away and we say down at his table, he sat across from Niall and I.

"Surprised your mother let you get that nose piercing" he said starring at me.

I rolled my eyes

"Chill, it's not like I pierced my va-" Niall kicked me under the table and my father glared at me.

"Nevermind" I mumbled awkwardly "look, I get that your pissed off at me, leaving was a dick move but I am still your father and you will treat me with respect" he spat slamming his fist down on the table.

"Anyways" he began "I see your with Mr. Horan here now" he eyed both Niall and I.

"Yup" I said coldly.

"Look why don't we just skip the father daughter bonding thing and go strait to the reason you brought me to this stupid place In The first place" I glared at him Niall placed his hand on my thigh I have him a weak smile.

"I'm getting remarried" he blurted out.

"Well I hope it goes better than your last marriage did, I think I'll be on my way now. Niall and I have some plans for tonight and they don't include a third person, I'm not into that kinky shit" I grinned standing up.

I went to walk past my dad but he roughly grabbed my arm.

"What did you just say to me" he growled "with all due respect sir you lost the right to being her father when you left, so I suggest you back off" Niall removed his hand from my arm and my dad stood their shocked.

I was a bit a shocked myself the old Niall would never have said that.

He linked hands with me and we walked out of the restaurant.

As soon as we were outside I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him with a huge smile.

"Thank you" I said pulling apart "you owe me" he kissed me one last time and we got in the car.

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