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This chapter will have some past implied SA. Be advised. I will add this to the about page. Enjoy the chapter! I made it extra special because it is my 1 year special. I'm making many chapters to stories!

Gary was sleeping soundly, in the middle of possibly the best dream ever when he was awoken by a phone call a little bit before 3 am. The phone call made him jump, as he had his ringer too loud. Before answering, he made a mental note to turn down the volume. He picked up the phone. "Hewwo?" his voice half awake, which startled even him. "HEY! GET YOUR BUTT BACK DOWN HERE TO THE LAB! PROFESSOR CERISE NEEDS US!" Gary begged the caller to slow down. "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS! GET OUT OF BED!" Then, the caller hung up. Gary picked up his tired feet and walked to the door. He put his jacket and shoes on as the temperature had dropped. He grabbed his bag and popped a mint in his mouth to alleviate the "bed breath".

It was a good 5 minutes to the lab and the wind blew through the town. Gary had planned that it was gonna be a cold night, but still he shivered occasionally. Once, he arrived at the lab. He saw Goh in the same place as where he was when he left the lab and Chloe still sitting in her chair. Ash turned and smiled, waving to Gary. "Hey Gary, I'm sorry that we woke you up." He then put a hand on Gary's shoulder. "I tried to tell Goh that we should just let you sleep, but he wanted you to come down here." Gary muttered "Maybe he wants to continue to trash me." Gary felt that he had deserved what had happened earlier tonight, but Goh was taking it too far. Goh continued to chat with Chloe and Ash told Gary to talk to the others to catch up to speed, then dashed to get his Pokèmon and beloved sidekick, Pikachu. Gary turned to Chloe. "What's going on?" He asked. Chloe's face became solemn. "My dad is certain Arceus was at Gregory Lake and so we are going there now." Goh then spoke "There's a car in the garage, you're driving us there." Gary stood blank. "I don't know how to get to Gregory Lake, I have never-" Goh then grabbed Gary's ear and shouted "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET THERE?" "IT'S ONLY THE MOST POPULAR LAKE!"

Just then, Nurse Joy appeared. "I can take everyone to Gregory Lake!" Gary stood there frozen, slowly turning. "Oh Nurse Joy, you are here!" Nurse Joy held up his keys that she must have found still in the room. Chloe gasped "Looks like someone forgot to turn in their room key." Nurse Joy quickened her walk to Gary and stopped mere centimeters apart. "I'll let it slide. This. Time." Gary gulped. Ash then dashed down the stairs. "Alright everyone, me and Pikachu are all set!" Pikachu spread his arms in the air. "Pika Pika!" Goh blushed at Ash, smiled, and picked up Grookey. "Great, then let's go!"

Nurse Joy drove down the highway, and each time a car didn't merge her into traffic as fast as she wanted, she grumbled and muttered curse words. Seconds later, she merged into traffic. Ash turned to Goh. "So Goh, what all did Professor Cerise say?" Goh turned to Ash. "He found footprints that are Arceus footprints." "He also found hair from the Pokemon and what appears to be blood." Gary quickly turned. "Human or Pokémon?" Goh frowned at him and said "That is still being figured out." Just then a car cut Nurse Joy off and caused the kids to rock back and forth, letting out yelps. Nurse Joy exclaimed a curse word. "You shit head!" Ash gasped at Nurse Joy's use of such language. Before he could inspect Nurse Joy's reasoning for such language, Goh pointed to the lake, lights were on the shore to keep watch for trespassers. "There it is!" Nurse Joy exited the highway and sent the kids down a rocky path, gravel popped on the underside of the car. Nurse Joy had only just now realized that her headlights weren't on, and flipped them on. Goh looked around. "Does anyone see the professor?" Everyone shook their heads. Nurse Joy slammed on the breaks, nearly avoiding a blonde teenage girl in a tight bikini. Nurse Joy yelled "Move *female dog*"! Chloe looked out to the girl in front of them. "She's in distress, we should help her!" Nurse Joy honked the horn. "I just want her to move!"

Chloe got out of the car, followed by Goh, Ash, and Gary. The blonde teenage girl had tears in her eyes. Ash took her wet, dripping hands. "What happened?" The blonde girl coughed on the water she inhaled. "Me and my friends were having our going away university party, then we saw this large creature come out of nowhere." "They attacked me and my friends. I swam as fast as I could." She started to cry. "I don't see any of my friends anywhere. I'm worried they are still out there. Please you have to find them!" Professor Cerise hollered, with a frown on his face.  "I already told this girl that I got emergency personnel out there already looking for her friends." "These kids are with me!" Professor Cerise then waved at Nurse Joy. "Hello, Trisha Joy!" The teenage girl paced back and forth, only then did Chloe notice a cut on her thigh, and hollered, getting the attention of her everyone. "She's got a cut on her thigh! Ash then got the smart idea. "That must've been where the blood was coming from! Her thigh!" The teenage girl smiled through her tears. "Oh you don't have to worry about me! I want to know my friends are ok! Please...find my friends!" Professor Cerise hollered, "Don't you go anywhere without giving me a small sample of that blood!" He handed a sanitary cloth to his daughter. Chloe started to comfort the girl. "It's okay. We just need a small sample of your blood and then we will leave you alone to go to the Pokémon Center." The blonde girl grew wide-eyed. "No, you don't have to do that, I told you I'm fine." Chloe spoke "Ma'm you have a large cut on your thigh, I just need a small sample real quick and then I'll be done. Won't even hurt!"

The blonde girl's feet moved backwards and she continued to stare at everyone in front of her. There was no way for her to run without bringing the attention to everyone and so she panicked. "Please don't. I can't..." Chloe looked down at her sanitary cloth and at her dad. "It's just a small sample." The blonde girl continued to advance backwards. "Someone help my daughter out with getting the sample!" Goh put down Grookey. "Calm down, we won't hurt you!" The blonde girl cried, "Stay back! Get away!" Chloe muttered something under her breath, audible enough for Goh to hear. The girl smiled and said "please go away..." Goh and Chloe stayed right where they were, any sudden movement could scare them away. Chloe only made a small walk forward, before the girl turned around and started running rather fast in her pink flip-flops. Goh and Chloe chased after her for the 5 feet that she was able to get in a head start before tackling her on the rocks. Chloe yelled "Flip her over and I'll get the sample!" The blonde didn't not put up a fight until she was being flipped over and then tried to pull away. Goh held her in place while Chloe gently wiped the cut, a red spot now on the sanitary cloth. "PLEASE LET ME GO!" The blonde yelled and Goh did so, not wanting to have any trouble.

Chloe said "Thank you ma'm. I'm sorry we had to do that. Let Professor White and the forces escort you to the Pokémon Center." The blonde girl was shaking and said no words. Professor White waved her to her warm and welcoming embrace. "Don't worry darling, we will get you taken care of!" The girl surrendered herself to Professor White and made her tears known. She really wants her friends to be okay, Chloe thought. Goh continued down the rocks toward the ocean, Ash noticed and followed after him, interested at where he was going.

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