Forward and Onward

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Warning: this chapter in particular will be violent with mentions of blood and gore. I will tell you when to skip so that way you can still continue the series and I can tell you what happened to the characters in a less detailed and graphic way. I'm sorry to anyone that I traumatize with this but you have been warned and have been given instructions on how to avoid the scene that you may find upsetting in this chapter now on with the story.

Goh sat on a rock in the sand. Nothing was making sense to him. First, it attacked this girl when she wasn't even doing anything to harm it. Was it mating season? No, that has already passed, hasn't it? Goh shifted uneasily on the rock. Ash came down to see him. "Shaking you up too huh?" Goh blushed at him slightly "what! No I'm not shaken up at all." Ash stared at him for a few seconds. "Well ok then." Goh said then "do Pokémon like this usually come back?" Ash made a face of uncertainty "Sometimes they do, but sometimes they will wait weeks to return. We may be waiting here for a little." Professor Cerise then got out a machine. "I'm gonna attempt to put this thing in the water to locate people who have been slain and Pokémon that are in the water. You kids stand back a bit." "This machine blows out some like an old geezer." Ash and Goh stepped back as Professor Cerise flipped the switch. The machine purred and started beeping. Professor Cerise was right. The machine started to smoke. "So damn old!" He gave it a hard kick and it whizzed and made more noise.

Gary and Chloe were standing together talking about the obliviousness of Ash Ketchum for hours when they suddenly heard a roar. The professor was frantically pressing buttons on his machine trying to possibly locate where the roar was coming from. Goh stood up and looked around. It was so dark and slightly cloudy and foggy so vision was not super helpful. There was another roar just then. Goh pointed in one direction. "It's coming from over there in the distance!" Ash and Goh ran towards it with Professor Cerise, Chloe, Gary, and Nurse Joy not far behind from the boys. The boys stopped as they saw the creature. It's red eyes made it look so sinister. Ash took a step forward, and considered taking a step backward when the beast growled at him.

"Hey it's me Ash Ketchum." Goh looked at Ash and made the most unamused face. Ash quivered his lips a little bit and cleared his throat. "I understand that you are really scared right now. You don't know what's going on and you can't find your way back home." Arceus wailed. Ash smiled and said "that's why I'm here to help you out!" Ash looked at the Pokémon with sympathetic eyes. "Where is your home?" "I assume it's over in the mountains or in a cave underwater?" Arceus paused and purred. "Watch this" said Goh to Gary as if Gary has not seen Ash sympathize and help Pokémon in need before. "We can help you find your home." Ash continued. "My friend, Professor Cerise can take us to your home in his motor boat if you lead the way, assuming you know where it is at from here." Arceus bowed its head at Ash. Ash advanced and Arceus started growling again. "Aww no need to get so scared, I won't hurt you!" Arceus continued to bow his head, giving Ash the impression that he can come further forward.

Ash came further forward as Arceus had stopped growling at him. Ash looked at the Arceus, amazed at his elegant looks and impressive height. "Wow!" Chloe whispered. "He's helping this Pokémon out and helping him to not be afraid of him!" Goh nodded. Ash continued to talk gently to the Pokémon, being careful of his movements and his tone of voice. Sometimes, Arceus would only let Ash take a half step forward and Ash would be forced to keep his balance on the sand. This was quite comedic. Ash soon was close to Arceus, feeling his hot breath. Arceus moved his head up slightly to allow Ash to get closer. Ash decided it was a good idea and was now standing right behind the big Pokémon. Ash then said "Let's go on an adventure together!" "Whaddya say?" Arceus purred once more. Ash smiled and then turned towards his happy friends who cheered him on.

Ok this is where it is at. We have finally made it to the part I was warning you about. Here are my instructions: Scroll down the page until you see the next bold font telling you that all is over and that you can read the text again. Ok? Scroll! Scroll now!
Ash smiled and said "There's no Pokémon in existence that I can't tame and help! You hear that?! We are gonna help ARR!" Ash froze for a second. 'What just happened?' Ash breathed and felt like he could only get a certain amount of breath in before he was forced to breathe again. Funny, this has never happened before. Was his asthma returning yet again? He didn't think he could go on an adventure with himself wheezing. As a matter of fact, he was wheezing. He looked down at his chest and saw it. One of Arceus' horns had lodged itself into him, it wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. It reminded him of a reindeer antler. 'Hey Christmas is coming! No focus Ash! You need to get Arceus to get h-his horn out' Ash felt himself take another breath that was shallow, but not terrible. "H-Hey Arceus.... D-do you mind taking your horn out of my body...." Little did Ash know that removing an object like this could make the situation much worse.

When Arceus didn't let go at first, Ash believed that Arceus had not heard him. It was getting rather difficult to breathe now. "A-a-arrceus p-please..." Ash huffed. His eyes fluttered. He only gasped once more before his body slipped out of Arceus' horn and he collapsed onto the sandy floor. *Ash is having his Marcy Wu moment guys. Anne is clearly Goh and I will make sure of it in the POV's*

Arceus looked down at Ash before something shot him head on. It was like a blast from a ray gun. It only hit him once and he roared in the direction where it came from. Then, he ran away just right before another shot was fired. There was Ash's body, now making a small pool of blood.

Ash only slipped in and out of consciousness a couple of times and caught glimpses of his friends crying and crowded around him. He never caught a word they said, but knew they were panicking. He wanted to come out of it so bad but his body eventually gave in.

Meanwhile, Ash's friends and mentors were desperately trying to help Ash. Professor Cerise and Nurse Joy were practically shouting at one another. Nurse Joy came back with lots of gauze, oxygen mask, rubbing alcohol, and a object she held in her hand that looked like a gun to Gary's eyes. 'Are we putting Ash out of his misery?' He thought. Nurse Joy cleaned the wound before her. Nurse Joy applied the gauze onto Ash and held it there for several seconds. She also would occasionally take his pulse from his wrists.

"Damn" she said. "Professor Cerise his pulse is weakening. I'm administering oxygen!" She quickly pulled the oxygen mask on the kid and then swore again. His pulse was gone. "The sand is making him too low for his airways to breathe. I need him on a flat or higher surface!" Professor Cerise looked at the children. "Have one of the kids help elevate him!" Nurse Joy looked at all the teens. She knew she just needed to pick one. She grabbed Goh's wrist. "You! I forgot your name but I need you to slide in the back and use your legs to elevate Ash more!" Goh was crying but managed to respond with a weak voice. "Yes ma'am." Nurse Joy had Ash in Goh's lap. This made Goh blush slightly and that was it. His tears made it hard to feel such love for his crush. He also kept looking at the unpleasant, to put it simply, wound on Ash's abdomen, which almost made him pass out. Goh started shouting at Ash. "Ash, please wake up! I need you!" He then kissed Ash's forehead. Gary wanted to say something, but didn't feel like it would be the right time. There was just so much going on.

Almost done..... I promise.
Nurse Joy then reached behind her and lifted up the object that looked like a gun to Gary. "What's that Nurse Joy?" Nurse Joy flipped the kickstand that was gonna steady the machine. "It's a cauterizer! It's gonna apply really firey gas like the ones you use for gas burners and stoves to help me stop the bleeding." She felt for the knob on the machine and once she found it she turned it hard. Gary could feel some heat coming from the machine even though he was not Nurse Joy, who was now holding a machine with hot solution in it. "Ok children. This ain't for the faint of heart. I suggest all of you turn your heads away from this!" Chloe didn't waste any time turning her head. She was followed by everyone else. This whole ordeal was a nightmare already and so they didn't need any further instruction to take the advice from Nurse Joy. Nurse Joy carefully put the hot nozzle on Ash and it sizzled on Ash's bare skin for about a minute. Nurse Joy watched as the skin changed color and texture. This went on for about 2 minutes before Nurse Joy finally removed the nozzle. There was more sizzling and a little smoke, but that was normal.
Ok you are good now!!! You can stop quickly scrolling. I'm sorry I made you scroll so much. I will give you the recap in the next chapter along with some POV's of everybody except for Ash!

Professor Cerise had a stretcher ready in the back behind everyone. "Ok, a few of us need to help me lift Ash onto the stretcher and into Nurse Joy's car." Professor Cerise gathered Goh and Gary. Nurse Joy comforted Chloe who was sobbing. After Ash was carefully and gently loaded into her car, the doors were shut. Nurse Joy then bid Chloe goodbye as she quickly got in her car, turned on her sirens, and sped away into the city toward the Pokémon infirmary. Gary hugged both Goh and Chloe. Chloe was very welcoming to the touch and buried her head into Gary's shoulder. She was sobbing a lot. Goh, who was crying endless tears down his face, did not seem so fond of the touch so much. Professor Cerise then told the kids to get in the car for a trip back to the lab. Goh tried to protest to go to the infirmary but was shut down.

Ok that's it everyone. This will be last long chapter for this book in the collection. I'm on my second to last semester in college and I can't be writing extra long chapters like this once I get back into that. I'll be just too tired! If you're still enjoying this then that's great! I promise this is the only violent chapter in this story,I can't promise for the collection though. Up next will be the POV's! Ok goodbye!

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