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Ash and Goh stood out on the front door patio to the lab. With them was Gary, for he was going back to the Kanto region. His mom was worried about him but he felt like there was no rush.

"Well Ash I have to leave now." Ash buried his head. "Awww really man I hate to see you go." Gary chuckled, "don't worry Ash I will come back." Goh sighed. "Don't come back too soon unless it is an emergency." Gary smiled. "You must be ready for me to get out of your hair." Goh stood amazed but serious, "Oh you could tell?" Gary smiled but hid his hurt, "It was obvious but I understand. I need to let you lovebirds have space."

Goh balled up his fists. "We are not lovebirds Gary!" Gary turned and smiled. "Whatever. I am going to leave now goodbye." He went down the stairs and traveled on the path back to the train station.

Goh smiled. "Ash we should probably get you back to bed. It's been a long day for us." Ash was confused. "We? Us? What are you saying Goh?" Goh's smile widened as he was losing his mind with Ash. He just wanted alone time with him. "I don't understand. What would I do with you?" Goh let him think about it. "Ooohhh." "I see." Goh started up the stairs. "The bed will be waiting for you. Don't take too long." Ash could feel his heart pounding. He looked at the sky and the sunset once more before heading inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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