What a great recovery

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Hello I'm back after 3 months. It's time. I know how I want to finish this.

It was day 6. Professor Cerise walked into Ash's room. Ash was whispering something. "What are you saying young man?" Ash breathed "I want to be up and moving. I feel so determined." Professor Cerise smiled and said "you and your determination." He chuckled. "I'm afraid it might not be-" "I want to try." Ash interjected. Professor Cerise came close. "Ok boy grab my hand." Ash carefully reached for the professor's hand. "Take it slow and pull yourself up. You can use your other hand and reach behind you to stabilize yourself." Ash held onto the railing behind him and pulled himself up. He felt his body twinge at the movement but he was not gonna let a little pain stop him. He had barely recognized he had done it.

Professor Cerise smiled. "Great job Ash! You are recovering so fast." Professor Cerise pulled up a chair and sat down. "Your friends have been contacting me." Ash felt bummed. He felt bad that he had pushed them away. "I've received texts from people I don't even know, but they are telling me how strong you are and how you once battled them and came out with the strongest of Pokémon." Ash felt tears in his eyes. It was so kind to hear everyone's words. "They hope you only get stronger in your body. And I hope so too. Today has proven that."

Nurse Joy walked in. "How's our boy?" Professor Cerise turned to her. "He sat up!" Nurse Joy became bubbly. "My goodness." It was not her usual language. Professor Cerise had put pillows for Ash to lean back on, but he didn't want to lean back unless he absolutely couldn't bear the pain anymore. "He won't use the pillows. I am gonna have to warn him that playing masochist won't always be the way to go." Nurse Joy scoffed at Ash's refusal to use the pillows, but she liked his determination to be strong.

Hours later, his friends returned from home. Chloe came in to check on him. She was wearing a crop top and ripped cordouy jeans. "I can make you something and bring it in a tray if you would like Ash." Ash smiled "Thanks Chloe I'm famished!" When she returned, she had brought some doughnuts. Dawn also called to see how Ash was doing and they talked some while Ash ate.

Ash was about to rest when Goh walked in. He had on a new outfit today. It was a black jacket and jeans. He wore a grey cap on his head. He only muttered out a hey as Goh sat on the bed. It was quiet. Ash felt the oddness of this interaction and broke the silence. "I am doing better, I think.." "Professor Cerise told me." He said softly. "It's so good to hear." He turned and looked at Ash. "You know, you scared me those first two days." Ash frowned. "Didn't mean to." Goh sweatdropped. "Wasn't blaming you."

Goh crossed his arms and stared at the wall in front of them. "I'd blast Arceus again if I had the chance." Ash gritted his teeth at Goh's bitterness. "Now how could you be so cruel Goh? It's just a Pokémon!" Goh felt his tears come out quickly. "He almost took you away from me!" Ash was stunned. A brush of death had been avoided. How could a Pokèmon do this? Goh continued, "When you were hit, I was the first one to go to you." He paused for a second to collect himself. "When I got to you, you were so still and there was a pool of blood beneath you." His lips were quivering slightly. "You weren't breathing and you didn't h-have a p-p-pulse."

"You were-were-were" He became slightly annoyed at his failure of speaking. "Dying?" Ash finished. Goh nodded. He unzipped his jacket. Why was it so hot in here? "You might have already been dead, but Nurse Joy didn't stop." He chuckled, "I thought she was only good at treating Pokémon." Ash let Goh continue. "There was a point in which we feared that we would lose you forever. I was mad still about everything and I didn't spend much time with you or see you." Goh felt some guilt wash over him. "It's ok." Ash said softly. Goh frowned. "No, it's not." "A friend should always be with a friend." Goh felt himself take back his feelings of friendship, for it was something more.

Goh moved closer to the bed. "I want to stay here." "I don't want to leave, even if you ask me to." Ash smiled. "Thanks Goh!" Goh reached out his hand. "You think you can sit up again?" Ash sighed. "The pain meds have worn off, but I still will try!" He grabbed Goh's wrist to be more stable and secure and grabbed the railing of the bed behind him and pulled up, letting go of the railing when he felt himself being lifted and to keep his arm from breaking.

Goh looked in awe. Ash had managed to get himself off the bed, but wasn't upright. However, Ash lunged himself forward and grunted, whispering a curse word under his breath before he was fully upright. Goh was still amazed and still in awe. "Wow. You did it!" Ash smiled but his smile quickly faded when he asked Goh why he would need him to sit up. Goh wrapped his arm around Ash. "To be honest, I didn't think you could do it. But now that you have, I hope you grow stronger."

Ash leaned into Goh. Goh chuckled softly. "And I wanted to cuddle." Ash smiled "as best friends?" Ash either didn't know that best friends don't cuddle or he did know that best friends shouldn't cuddle. Goh couldn't figure it out. Goh pulled Ash backwards to the frame of the bed and spread his legs out. Ash turned around looked at him in confusion. Ash moved backwards into Goh's jeans and sighed when he didn't get an explanation.

Ash looked up at the ceiling above him. "This is nice, gives me a break from such squishy and lumpy pillows, even if you are a little lumpy." Goh pinched his ear. "Hey! Come on now don't be mean to me!" Ash squealed and said "Alright Alright!"

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