The two kids walked with each other for a while, neither remembered the way to camp so they just walked in a chosen direction. Night was starting to fall and Leo knew they had to get back now or their night would be hell.

"Hey, look" the boy pointed out and went over to a small patch of pink flowers with a smile, "They're cosmos... they were my moms favorite"

Sophia walked over to him, "They're pretty"

"Yeah, they are. Here..." he picked a couple and handed them over, "See, because of the pink, it represents love- mothers love, more... take some, to keep you safe- make you feel better, like you're still with your mom" he told her then stood up and started to walk away, taking a glance to the girl, "Come on, we need to keep going"

Sophia smiled at him and pocketed the flowers before following behind him. They walked for a couple minutes more.

A low growling got both of their attention. Leo pushed Sophia behind him slightly and squinted his eyes to see through the dark. A walker emerged from behind a tree, Leo flew his hand to the knife holster at his side, "Stay behind me"

The boy jumped forward and sliced the knife right through it's eye. His eyes widened and the scared whimper he heard from Sophia, Leo turned around swiftly but came face to face with a walker, "Shit!" he stabbed that one too.

Out the corner of his eye Sophia ran away, two walkers close behind, "No, Sophia!" with a grunt the teen shoved the dead walker to the ground and ran after the other three bodies.

"Leave her alone" he sneered, bringing his knife right through the crown of a walker's head. He struggled to get the nice out it's head but heard the horrifying groan of another walked, "no, no, no, no!"

He spun around and the thing must have been inches away because both of them went falling to the ground. Leo used all his strength to hold it and arms length away- it's jaw snapping desperately at him. He didn't have his knife, he didn't have anything. Leo Campbell was going to die out in these woods all alone to some brainless walker.

No. Leo wouldn't accept that. He found a new strength and used one arm to hold its head away and patted around the forest floor before a large twig graced his finger tips. He picked it up and smashed it right through the geeks head and it, not so gracefully fell right on top of him. He quickly shoved it off of him and wiped himself down.

When Leo glanced back up Sophia was no longer in his sights, "Shit! No, no, no" he spun around multiple times but could find the girl. He pulled his hand up to the top of his head and grasped onto his hair, "Fuck!" Why couldn't he just have killed them faster? Then Sophia would be here and he would be sure she was alive to bring back to her mom.

Leo sniffled away a tear and shook his head to himself as he brushed the rest away, willing himself to stand up and keep going.

The teen walked around for a little longer Sophia just wasn't there. Maybe she found it back... maybe she was out there all alone waiting for Leo to show back up. With a sigh and shake of the head he chose to call it a night and looked for a tree he could climb up far enough to sleep out of reach for walkers.


Leo didn't sleep— too scared to, and he watched out for Sophia maybe running back. Morning came by very slowly but Leo couldn't bring himself to get down from the tree, not with all those walkers lurking around the woods.

After a short while he heard church bells, his head snapped to the direction. He looked around for a quite scout, "Fuck it" he hopped down and ran towards the sound.

On the way he heard another threatening gross but just pushed his body to go faster. He wanted to be back with his group.

Leo got to an opening. He broke through the tree line and seen a beautiful white building, the boy smiled at the sight and ran over. As he got closer some people came into view, "Hello?" he called out.

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