"here" he hands out his handkerchief.

she needed something to wipe off since she's been wiping her tears using her sleeve that's been soaking for quite a while.

"thank you" she gladly accepts the hanky, she carefully wipes her tears off, his hanky definitely smells like him, his scent smells amazing.

"I am really sorry to hear that, by the way, my name is Park Jimin, but you can call me Chim" he reaches his hand out for her to shake.

she gently holds his hand, his hand is cold but comfy enough to hold, and he slowly shakes his hand and showing a huge smile on his face.

"Y/n" she says again with a smile.

she loves how contagious his smile is, his eyes are squinting and his toothy smile is everything.

"it's fine if you don't want to say some information of what you're currently going through right now, but as a person who has experienced the same thing, It's the best to take a break from all the toxicity and try to explore more in your life, don't let a family problem destroy you and your mental health" he says wholeheartedly.

her heart instantly melts while he speaks his message out.

"thank you, a lot" she smiles.

they made a small conversation together, and it makes Y/n forget about her problems, he was such a mood too.

*Phone ring*

Y/n's phone starts to ring, she wants to ignore her phone ringing but she suddenly remembers that she left her home without saying anything to anyone in there, she saw her left but didn't told any additional information.

she checks the call I.D and it was Rose, she made a line on her lips.

Y/n: I-i am sorry to interrupt, Jimin, but I just left my home without telling anyone, and my sister is trying to call me right now, I might as well leave

she says with full of guilt, she didn't wanted Jimin to stop.

Jimin: it's fine, you may go, please take care.

he says with a smile, both of them stood up and look at each other for another time, a smile appears again on their lips.

Y/n: thank you for today.

Jimin: no, Thank you! *smiles*

his smile warms her up more than the clothes she's wearing right now, Y/n's phone still won't stop ringing, so they finally said goodbye to each other.

until they meet again


getting home.

the front door starts to open, the whole family looks up to the door, seeing Y/n come in and removing her shoes and placing them on the shoe rack, she is met with her mom and sister waiting for her in the living and dining room.

Rose starts running up to her with a teary smile.

Rose: Y-Y/n, w-where did you go? Mom and I were so worried about you.

she hugs Y/n tightly, her mom follows, then they released the hug.

Y/n: I was just staying in the nearby park to get some fresh air, but don't worry, I am okay.

she said while taking some deep sighs while looking at her mom, this situation must've been so hard for their mom knowing the number of years that she struggled to work their marriage and family out.

Mom: your unnie told me everything, b-but why did you had to say that to you dad?

she asks in a soft but understanding tone, their mom never raised them like rude adults.

Y/n: t-those words were stuck in me for years mom, and I feel relieved that it's all gone after letting it out

she says with a smile but tears started to flow as well.

Mom: I-i am sorry to the both of you for having to hear that fight we had.

she gestures her daughters to come closer to her and both of them gives her a very warm hug.

Mom: I may have some shortcomings when it comes to being a parent but I promise both of you that I'll do my best.

she kisses both of her daughters' foreheads and laughs.

their family is like a vase, it has been shattered for years and their mom is trying to put some glue or "strength" to stick it up together, but even though it has a missing shattered piece which is their dad, the vase can still be up as it is with the help of love, encouragement, and help.

but the visual representation will never be the same.

it has been shattered, and it will always be.

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