𝟏. 𝐀𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Fishing by the reef, Alo'an saw shadows above. The sea turned dark, which caused him to lose the fish. He was annoyed because he'd almost caught them.

Popping out of the water, the boy turned around to see...banshee? His curiosity grew and he got closer and closer to the shore.
Stepping foot on the sand, he quickly squeezed through the crowd. In the center, there was a family.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Let's go see what's happening over there." his father said.

Alo'an followed behind as they made their way to shore. As he came out of the water, so did Tsireya. The girl smiled at Alo'an coming towards him. The two knew each other because of their parents' close friendship.

"Were you fishing again?" Tsireya asked. "Yeah, I was." Alo'an replied, smiling at the girl.

Tsireya smiled back and looked toward the family. Ao'nung, her older brother, was there as well.

"What are these supposed to be?" the boy laughed, grabbing one of the kid's tails.

Alo'an looked at the boy, looking disgusted.

"Ao'nung, leave them alone." he muttered, pushing his hand away. "Why should I listen to you?" Ao'nung replied. "Man, don't you remember when he busted your lip because you touched his shells." Rotxo whispered in fear. "That was the past, he can't touch me now." Ao'nung frowned. "You wanna bet?" Tsireya giggled.

Ao'nung paused before looking forward again. Alo'an and Tsireya laughed at his reaction. Suddenly, their laughter was cut off once they noticed the two boys looking at them.

"Hey." one of them smiled. "Hi." Tsireya smiled, looking nervous.

The boy's name was Lo'ak, he was the youngest son of Jake Sully, the infamous Toruk Makto. The other was Neteyam, he was the oldest son. He gave Alo'an a soft smile, making him feel nervous as well. He smiled back before looking at Tsireya in embarrassment.

"Aren't they cute?" Tsireya whispered.

Alo'an noticed Lo'ak's ears flinch as he heard the girl. He playfully nudged her.

"You talk too loud," he mumbled. "He heard you."

That was when Tonowari, the chief, appeared. It turned out that the family wanted to live here. Of course, the people were confused as to how they could live at sea.

"I have already made up my mind, and this family will live here." Tonowari hummed. "They will be like babies, so teach them our ways."

Everyone was shocked by the fact that Tonowari accepted such people to live here. Tsireya just smiled, knowing she could talk to this boy more.

"My children, Ao'nung, and Tsireya will show you around the village, and then introduce you to your new home." Tonowari explained.

Tonowari looked at the two before making his way toward them.

"We were wondering if you would like to eat with us again, for dinner." he said.

Aniri looked at his son, waiting for an answer. Alo'an just nodded.

"Of course." he smiled, looking at the chief. "Great, we have something to talk about." Tonowari smiled back. "I'll see you then."

With that, the man walked away. Aniri let his son go as he started to walk to their Marui. Alo'an could tell his dad wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

"Can I go on a walk?" Alo'an asked. "Sure, be back before sunset." Aniri replied.

Aniri seemed bothered, looking at his son. He had noticed the way he and that boy were looking at each other, hoping it was just a misunderstanding.

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