Episode Sixteen Season Three: The Tale/The Spies

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Wander and the rest of the gang were just getting back onto The Star Nomad from volunteering in a Soup Kitchen with Sylvia's, Westley's, and Sketchbook's help. However when Wander tries to get the Orbble Juice Engines started nothing happens, which is almost always never a good sign unless they're purposely like this due to safety precautions when doing a monthly maintenance check on The Star Nomad.

Wander: *Understandably worried* Uh fellas...? We gotta problem...!

Sylvia: *Slightly annoyed* Seriously!? Right now!?

Westley: *Becomes understandably confused* Is it already time for The Star Nomad's monthly maintenance again???

Wander: N-no Westley! This ship just had one fourteen days ago! We shouldn't be having one until December fifth, which is a week from now!

Sketchbook: *Sighs* Let me get my tool box...

Sketchbook soon gets his tool box and starts taking a look at the Orbble Juice Engines with Sylvia's help. After what felt like hours later, Sketchbook soon resurfaces from underneath the Orbble Juice Engines now somewhat covered in Orbble Juice.

Wander: *Realizes what this could mean* Oh no, don't tell me...

Sketchbook: I'm sorry Wander, but I have to because from what I can tell so far, the Orbble Juice Engines has become damaged from Orbble Juice Residue and has caused some erosion. In other words; The Star Nomad is experiencing an OJPO.

Wander: *Becomes shocked and horrified* Oh no! Not an-

Sylvia: *Sighs* An Orbble Juice Power Outage... The king of all Power Outages...! Ugh, this is all my fault...! I should've cleaned the Orbble Juice Engines a much more thorough cleaning when it was my turn like the Ship Repair Guy told us to...!

Sketchbook: Well the good news is that this can be easily fixed since it doesn't look TOO bad. I just need to call that Ship Repair Guy and hope I'm right because the flashlight you given me may or may not have given me the full picture of how bad it really could be.

Westley: Oh grop! We're not gonna be stuck here forever, r-right!?

Sketchbook: No, of course not Westley! Me and Wander had been through this before back when I was still a Bounty Hunter and was Wander's partner.

Sylvia: *Gets understandably confused by that statement* Wait a minute there, Sketch! I thought you said and I quote, "Well, I was actually also a Bounty Hunter back in the day before I met Wander too."

Sketchbook: Oh that! Well, I have a tendency to either lie or fall for false fuzzy memories... Or both... Mostly both... I drank a lot of Extreme Thunder Blazz back in the day... Actually now that I think about it, maybe that's why I have the tendency to do those things... Anyways, now that I look back at that discussion, I remember actually successfully getting Wander away from you while you were distracted.

Sylvia: Huh. Guess that explains why I didn't meet Wander again until I guess sometime after you split up with him for college.

Sketchbook pulls out his phone from his hat and starts calling the Ship Repair Guy. After a few minutes of answering some questions on a survey, the Ship Repair Guy finally picked up. However when Sketchbook hangs up sometime later, he rushes into the nearby bathroom before rushing back with a lot of towles and four large buckets.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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