Episode Fifteen Season Three: The Star Nomad Family Reunion

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Original Release Date: December 24th, 2022

It was a peaceful morning as Wander was making breakfast for everyone on The Star Nomad. This time everyone was going to have blueberry waffles with the side of cheesey omelets and pieces of fruit. Sylvia walks into the dining room and finds the breakfast all set and ready. Sylvia smiles before sitting down with the others.

Sylvia: *Smiles* Geez Wander... You seem to really outdone yourself this time!

Wander: *Smiles* Thanks! Just don't eat everything, I'm saving this for a special group of people!

Westley: *Confused* Wait- what do you mean?

Wander: *Smiles* Well, I just received an invitation from my Dad that there's a family reunion happening today and I want us all to be there!

Sylvia: Your family...? As in with the crazy Mom? No offense Wander, but your Mom is kind of...

Wander: *Gets offended by that comment* Hey! That was very rude of you to say! As upset I was with how my Mother behaved, she has every right to be mad at me for how I left!

Sylvia: Well... Okay yeah, that's 100% true... But that doesn't give her the right to act like a complete Karen!

Westley: I'm sure whoever she is, she'll be just as one. Besides, I wanna meet Wander's family.

Wander: *Gets even more offended by what Sylvia is saying* My Mom has a medical condition!

Sketchbook: Let me guess, Karen Syndrome?

Wander: Yes actually.

Sketchbook: *Worried* O-oh... I'm, uh, sorry to hear that...

Sylvia: *Understandably confused* W-what??? There's no such thing!

Wander gets EVEN MORE offended as he pulls out his medical book and shows Sylvia that Karen Syndrome is in fact an actual medical condition. Never underestimate Wander's medical knowledge, ever.

Westley: Uh... Wander? No offense, but that's actually a fake disease. It was a rumor spread around about people having this "syndrome" so they could get away with things. Says so on the Wikipedia page and it was a trend so whatever that book is saying must be WAY out of line.

Sketchbook: Well... He's got you there Wander.

Wander quickly closes his book and looks at it to realize that it was "The Big Book Of Fake Illnesses". Wander laughs nervously and rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment.

Westley: It's fine, don't worry about it. But enough of that! I want to meet your family, I bet you have a great one!

Wander: *Smiles* Oh definitely! My sisters are actually the reason why at some point in my life, I attended an After School Theater Club.

Sylvia: What about your Dad? Does he have like a reputation for being a farmer or something.

Wander: Well my Dad did. Well that is until... You know what.

Westley: ... Oh, yeah right... You told me about that.

Wander: *Smiles* Yeah, but don't worry. My Dad's a reasonable man and he takes kindly to strangers, like me!

Sylvia: *Smiles* Heh, I can tell.

Sketchbook: Wait a minute, what actually happened? Either you never told me or that you DID and that I forgotten.

Wander: Well since I left, Ma and Dad had no choice but to sell the farm because Ma felt there wasn't anyone to take care of the farm due to me being her only son. However, Ma never said who they sold the farm to...

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