Episode Four Season Three: The Thanksgiving Dinner

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Original Release Date: November 21st, 2022

Wander, Sylvia, Lord Dominator, and Sketchbook were getting ready for a big Thanksgiving Party on a planet for their friends and family to come and celebrate Thanksgiving with. Wander has been looking forward for this since November 1st.

Wander was preparing to set up the table with the finest china along with silverware and napkins while Lord Dominator was decorating with Sylvia in the background.

Sketchbook was preparing board games just in case Wander invites his friends from the Yonder Galaxy to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Wander: This is going to be great! I can't wait to see our old friends and even new ones here! I even plan to do a little toast when everyone gets here!

Sketchbook: Well let's hope everyone is able to make it. I hate to see all of our efforts to go to waste if at least HALF of our invited friends aren't able to come.

Wander: *Grins* Oh I'm SURE they're gonna be able to make it, I just know it!

The Thanksgiving Dinner

Sketchbook: Welp, let's not get our hopes high okay?

Sylvia: *Finished decorating with Lord Dominator* Okay, the decorations are set up!

Wander: *Smiles* Great job girls! Looks like everything is going smoothly!

Lord Dominator: *Smiles* Yep, can't forget that turkey though.

Wander: It's still in the oven, I'll go check. *Runs over to the oven*

Lord Dominator: *Chuckles* To be honest, I never had Thanksgiving before. Not after all I've did to your Galaxy.

Sylvia: Well considering that you seemed to be completely mellowed out, I'll just say this; you could've done worse.

Lord Dominator: Yeah true... But I don't know, I just feel like part of me is here, but somewhat out there. I have so much to think about...

Sylvia: Well, let's just focus on enjoying ourselves today, okay?

Lord Dominator: *Thinks about it for a moment before she gives a small smile* ... Okay.

The turkey came out perfect as Sketchbook helps Wander get it out of the oven and on the dining table. The episode cuts to a few hours later as everyone that Wander and Sylvia knew from the past and present have gathered on a planet to play games and feast on anything on the table. Suddenly out of seemingly nowhere Emperor Awesome suddenly shows up, much to Sylvia's annoyance.

Lord Dominator: *Confused* Wait, what is HE doing here???

Wander: *Smiles* I invited him here!

Lord Dominator and Sylvia: You what!?

Wander: Well, it ain't fair for us to have a Thanksgiving with just the good people, *smiles* so I thought to invite the bad guys here too!

The rest of the villains (minus Lady Phobia and her empire thankfully) shows up. Once everyone has heard what Wander has done, they all collectively and simultaneously facepalm themselves.

Sylvia: You gotta be kidding me...

Wander: *Smiles* It's okay guys! I'm sure we can work things out! Besides, it's Thanks-

Then a laser shoots close to Wander.

Wander: *Confused* -giving?

Everyone ducks for cover, everyone is now ticked off with Wander for doing this. Sylvia shields Wander as she ducks underneath the table with everyone else.

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