Episode Fourteen Season Three: The Tropical Island/The Boat

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Original Release Date: December 22nd, 2022

Content Warning; Mention of blood consumption, mention of blood, consumption of blood, attempted murder via strangulation, violence, attempted bite-related assault, body shaming, and forced transformation.

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It was a peaceful moment in outer space outside of a tropical planet where there's only one huge island surrounded by water... Suddenly The Star Nomad is seen being out of control due to the Orbble Engines having caught on fire. Wander, Sylvia, Westley, and Sketchbook were panicking out of their minds as Wander, Westley, and Sketchbook tries their best to put the fire out while Sylvia in the meantime was trying to get back in control of The Star Nomad.

Westley: *Scared* Gee whizz! If only we could've cleaned the built up flammable gunk!

Sketchbook: *More annoyed than scared* Oh wow, *turns to Sylvia as he gets even more annoyed* I wonder why this happened to begin with!

Sylvia: *Gets irritated from that comment made by Sketchbook* Don't you DARE even think about it, Sketchbook!

Sketchbook: *Becomes irritated too* IT WAS YOUR TURN TO CLEAN UP THE GUNK THIS WEEK!!!

Wander: *Gets slightly annoyed by Sylvia and Sketchbook arguing, again* Guys, guys! C'mon, this is seriously NOT the time to argue!

Westley: Yeah guys! Besides, you two REALLY need to start getting along in situations like this!

Wander: *Trying desperately to get the fire out* It would be helpful if you two could at least put your differences aside!

Sylvia: Sketchbook's a flarf-narblin selfish jerk!

Sketchbook: Sylvia's mean and called me a brat!

Wander: *Goes into a panic as the fire gets worse* Oh grop! Oh grop! Oh grop!

Westley: *Gets fed up with all of this* Okay, you know what? Sketchbook and Sylvia, both of you get OUT NOW!!!

Suddenly the fire is put out and the ship seems to be getting back to normal.

Sketchbook: ... *Looks around* Huh, well would you look at that! It's a mir-

Before Sketchbook could finish his sentence, a meteor struck The Star Nomad causing it to hurl towards the tropical planet. On said tropical planet, an old axolotl-like creature was just simply watering plants when he notices The Star Nomad hurling itself through the atmosphere and crash lands through the sand on the beach. It was enough to tear a hole through The Star Nomad and possibly made it where it can't even fly. Luckily Wander and his friends were okay, just in shock.

Sylvia: *Coughs as the dust clears before looking around, sees the damage, and suddenly grabbing Sketchbook by the neck with her right hand* YOU JUST HAD TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH!!!

Wander: Guys look! *Points outside*

Outside of The Star Nomad, they were near a clam beach with a plateau by the sand. It was a beautiful sight surely, but what makes it interesting is that the sky is a slightly teal color with swirling clouds as far as the eye can see.

Sylvia: Oh great we're on one of those planets where we're probably gonna be stuck on for weeks, months, maybe a year or two even except this time it's because of The Star Nomad had crashed *is on the verge of choking Sketchbook* BECAUSE SOMEONE WASN'T DOING THEIR JOB!!!

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