EIGHTEEN - Kelly Called

766 20 2

Warnings: none
Word Count:615


You were sitting on the couch taking a phone call from your annoying cousin. She always called to brag about her perfect kids and job, rubbing it in your face.

She did the same thing when you both were kids, bragging about her cool clothes and toys. It always annoyed you, yet you never stopped it.

So you would always answer her yearly calls sitting on the phone for 30 minutes to an hour hearing about how she has been.

She never asked how you and Matt were though.

"Hey Kelly." You sighed trying to sound happy as you answered the call.

"Hi, Y/n! I wanted to call to tell you what me and the kids got for Christmas." She talked.

Why would you want to know what her and her kids got for Christmas, you talked once a year.

"Kelly, I'm actually kind of busy today-"

"Oh come on. It'll only take like 10 minutes! Just listen you know you have nothin' better to do!" Kelly exclaimed.

"Fine, go ahead what'd you guys get for Christmas?" You agreed.

"So me and Derek bought Disney world tickets for the kids 'cause we had some extra money to spare, we got 'em these cute little shoes!-" She started.

Matt walked out into the living room after hearing you talking on the phone.

He sat on the couch and opened his arms as a silent invitation for you to sit on his lap.

"-Then we all just sat around the table, and I said 'I didn't spend 2,000 dollars for you to not like it, Beth!' But she didn't listen-" Kelly continued.

You got up and sat on Matt's lap still dreading your phone call with Kelly.

He rested his chin on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around your waist.

"But in the end ya' know it was perfect as always.-"

"Me and Matt had a great Christmas t-" you tried to jump in but she cut you off.

"Anyways, Derek got me this diamond embezzled dress. It is gorgeous!-" She started again.

Matt pressed a small kiss on your neck, he continued to kiss traveling up your neck hitting your sensitive spot.

"Isn't that sweet!" Kelly beamed.

"V-very sweet!" You tried to keep your composure as Matt continued.

"I know! Guess what else he got me........." she paused waiting for you to guess.

Oh now she wanted you to talk!

"W-WhAt else." You tried to suppress your moan as Matt continued.

" He got us a new labradoodle! Y/n, a new Labradoodle! Can you believe it! He got me these-"

You put the phone to your chest so Kelly wouldn't hear.

"Would you stop that!" You whisper-yelled at Matt.

"Okay...." He paused before kissing a different area on your neck that he knew was another one of your sensitive spots."here better?" He smiled.

"A-any other time yes but..n-now I'm on the phone." You breathed out finding it harder and harder not to give in.

He shook his head in agreement as he rested his chin on your shoulder ending his small soft kisses.

"Thank you." You whispered once again before putting the phone back up to your ear.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING Y/N! DID THE CONNECTION CUT OUT!" Kelly yelled from the other side of the line.

You almost spoke again but then let her believe that you lost connection and hung up.

"Well I guess I'm done." You spoke to Matt tossing your phone over on the other side of the couch.

"So I can-"

"Yeah, go for it." You smiled as he resumed kissing up your neck.

-The End-

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