TWENTY - Fighting class

724 11 3

Warnings: none
Word Count: 758

This oneshot was requested by marvel_vision3 so I can't take all the credit on this one. Thank you for your suggestion and I hope I did it justice.


Matt was sitting on the couch with you, as you read a new book that you got. You had just read a really cool fight scene when an idea popped into your head.

"Matty?" You smiled scooting up right next to him.

"Yeah?" He answered turning in your direction.

"Did you know that," You started before giving him a peck. "That your the love of my life?"

"What do you need?" He asked as you cuddled into his side.

"Need? Pfft, I don't need anything—Can you teach me how to fight?" You asked. He took a second to respond worrying you. "Pleeeeease, Matty." You added.


You wanted to learn how to fight because the action scene you just read was really cool.....but you felt that might not sell him on the idea.

"Because if something were to happen-" You started coming up with another reason.

"I would be there." He corrected.

"But if you weren't, I would be able to protect myself.......and I just read a really cool fight scene and I wanna learn." You mumbled the last part even though you knew he would heard you.

"Okay, I'll teach you." He smiled.

-Fogwell's Gym-

You and Matt had come to the small gym so he could teach you privately, and still have room to move around.

Matt almost immediately jumped into teaching you your first move.

"Stand with your right leg back, bring your hands up to your face and ball them into tight fists, make sure your thumbs are on the outside." He informed guiding your arms and legs as he stood behind you.

You nodded as you followed his instructions.

"I want you to bring your knee up as high as you can and bring it back down..." He said waiting for you to do the movements.

Once you did them he continued.

"You're going to do that again but this time point your foot downwards, okay?"

"Got it." You said getting more confident with your movements.

"So your gonna bring your knee up and then just kick out and bring your knee back down. Just like this." He demonstrated doing the action flawlessly.

You took a deep breath before copying his motion.

It went well you didn't hurt yourself or anyone around you.

"I did it!" You exclaimed.

"You're a fast learner." Matt smiled. His words only made you feel more unbeatable...cocky almost.

Matt brought a solid square piece of foam that was about the size of you, and placed it before you.

"Now try to kick this block." He said taking a step back.

Mentally you counted, '1...2...3!'

Then you brought your leg up and kicked, surprisingly it flew backwards.

You did it....again.

"Good job." Mat rubbed your back.

You had to admit you felt unbeatable and unbelievably cocky.

"I'm ready to fight!" You exclaimed.

"Y-you're ready-Sweetheart, you're not-" Matt started but you cut him off.

"I'm ready, I wanna fight you!" You repeated.

"But I don't want to hurt my soft sweetheart." He pleaded.

"Your 'soft sweetheart' is gone...I'm..I'm like Mike Tyson now, Matty!" You cheered.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked making sure he had your go-ahead.

"As sure as I'll ever be." You growled.


You both stood in the ring. You got into the position Matt taught you, with your leg behind and your fists guarding your face.

"Come at me, bro!" You taunted getting almost into character.

He got a little closer and that's when you went to strike bringing your leg up as you had done before and kicking at Matt.

Suddenly he grabbed your foot tripping you as you fell straight to the floor.

"Ugh!" You grunted as you felt the floor hit your back.

You opened your eyes to see Matt crouching over you a huge smirk wiped across his face.

"Come on..let's go round two, Mike Tyson!" He giggled.

"What happened to your 'soft sweetheart' ?" You breathed sitting up.

"Apparently," He helped you up. "She's gone." He smiled.

"You're doing good, you just gotta take it slower." He reassured. "I think we'd fight well together."

"......So what your saying is....let's go home get ice for my back..then round two tomorrow?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." He agreed as you both left the gym.

-The End-

To clear up any confusion if you have a oneshot suggestion just comment it on one of the oneshots or message me on Wattpad.....bye
*Virtual hug*—

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