552 14 2

Warnings: slight talk of drugs (I think that's my first real warning)
Word Count: 254–sorry it's so short :(



You had just got home from a long day. You had to work an extra hour today for you coworker, so Matt would be home before you.

As you walked into the house you immediately went straight to the pantry to find your powdered donuts.

They weren't there.

You looked a little harder.

They. still. weren't. there.

"Matt!" You called.

"Hi, honey-" Matt walked into the kitchen from the bedroom.

"Did you eat my donuts?" You asked coldly already knowing the answer.

"" You could clearly tell he was lying.

"Then what's the white powder on you pants?" You pointed out.

"......Cocaine?" He guessed.

"Okay, you stole my shirts, my heart what's next..." you huffed shutting the pantry.

"I don't know," He thought out loud. "Wait I think I know what you should steal next." He smiled.

"What?" You asked confused.

"My last name."

Your mouth hung open at his comment, making you do a double take.

Matt placed the tips of his fingers under your chin and closed your mouth before kissing you.

You were flustered to say the least.

"You like the sound of that, sweetheart?" He whispered inches away from your face.

"I-I you win!" You stuttered, you knew he was trying to fluster you so you gave up.

"Yeah I know." He smiled kissing your forehead.

Were you just played? Yes.
Where you mad about it? No, never, nope!

-The End-

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