SIX - Sweaters

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Warnings: none just FLUFF
Word Count: 472

Cold. It was a very cold day, to cold in your opinion. There was snow outside on the streets and rooftops. It was cold inside too, and it was time to start taking out the winter coats and putting away the summer clothes.

During this time, when it started to get cold outside, you would deal with the clothes and Matt would spray for bugs, he hated bugs.

You searched in the closet finding boxes and bags with winter clothes in them, you sat down to unpack them when one box caught your eye.

It was labeled give away.

"Matt! What is this!" You called from the bedroom.

"What is what?" He questioned making his way to the bedroom.

"It's a box that says give away."

"Oh it's just my winter stuff from college, I thought I had given it away, must have gotten left." He answered leaning against the the doorframe.

"Oh." You hummed, opening the box to reveal sweaters of all different colors and patterns.

"These are cool!" You smiled picking up one, it was blue with purple and white snowflakes on it.

"Feel free to keep them I don't wear them anymore." He chuckled walking back into the living room.

"Thanks, Matty!" You giggled, happy about your new sweaters.

You slipped on the blue one you had in your hands, it was really cool to you.

You took the box and placed it on the bed rummaging through it to see the others. There was a green and yellow one a blue and red one and many more. You reached the bottom to find a beautiful red one with maroon and light red accents.

You took the sweater to Matt.

"Put this one on." You suggested, placing it in his hands.

"Okay." He sighed a smile shone on his face as he pulled it over his head.

"How do I look?" He asked gesturing to the sweater.

" usual." You giggled as he pressed a kiss against your lips.

You looked at him amazed by him, getting lost in his eyes.

"Why were you gonna get rid of them, they're in good condition?" You asked sitting up on the counter.

"Well in college I was..I was made fun of 'cause of them, so I stopped wearing them."

His lips pressed into a thin line as he placed his hands on your waist resting his arms on your thighs.

"Are you sure they weren't blind 'cause you look great." You smiled kissing him gently.

He laughed in response rubbing your sides.

"But really you should keep wearing those sweaters because then we'll be matching!" You exclaimed.

"I love you, Y/n" he giggled kissing you before laying his head on your chest.

"I love you too."

-The End-

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