Christmas without you II

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Hi! Long time no see! So I know I'm super late with this, like it's birthday theme already, not Xmas, don't be angry with me, I've had a school deadline on 23 and to finish everything I haven't slept for like 3 days, but Christmas fic is a tradition and besides there are still New Year's and Christmas on the 7th January so....
So I know it's titled like my fic from two years ago, this one is not a continuation of it, more like a rewrite. Anyway enjoy and Merry Christmas 😘😘😘
                 Christmas without you

This should've been no surprise to you, really. If you date a celebrity, there's gonna be some years when you'd have to spend Christmas alone, and a lot of other holidays for that matter. But you loved him, your super famous rockstar boyfriend Jared Leto, and you've accepted difficult parts too. It wasn't that hard in theory, considering he had never been away on winter holidays before. Christmas had always been your and his time together, no matter what stood in your way. This year's different.

- It's different, alright, - you sighed, sitting on a sofa, in the middle of a brightly and vibrantly decorated living room, surrounded by string lights, bows, colorful ornaments, completely alone.

You wrapped your arms tightly around his favorite sweater, bringing it to your face and sniffing - his Gucci cologne, cinnamon, you could swear you've caught a faint smell of Christmas cookies. He wore it last holiday.

You remembered that day so well.
-Untangle me this moment! - you commanded angrily, your jaw clenched, as you stood still near the Christmas tree, covered from head to toe in string lights, unable to move, squinting at your boyfriend, who was shaking with laughter.

- Untie me right now!

- And why would I do that? All I wanted was to add some more decorations to the tree, but you insisted we keep it "minimalistic and stylish", - he mocked, yet his eyes were loving, - This way you can't stop me. Besides, it's not my fault you couldn't put on the lights getting tangled up in them.

Jared stepped closer to you and kissed your lips, no matter how annoyed you were of course you kissed him back.

- But I look like a glowing mummy, - you pursed your lips.

- No, you look adorable, especially when you pout, - he laughed.

You couldn't keep a serious face anymore, so chuckled. The two of you were giggling until the phone rang.

- Oh, you want to speak to Y/n? I'm sorry, she can't come to the phone, she's a little tied up at the moment, - he answered whoever was calling with a smirk.

- That is not what it sounds like, I swear! - you yelled.

You haven't left each other's embrace for a minute all winter holidays, just laughing and talking and having fun, whether you were baking gingerbread cookies or decorating a tree.
This year, on your own, you replayed every moment in your head, you remembered how happy you were, and he was too, seeing his face as if he was in front of you - his eyes didn't need any Xmas lights to shine, when he looked into yours so lovingly.

Wherever he was on Christmas this year, you knew he'd light up any place with his presence brighter than any star. You were selfish though, you wanted him to light you and only you.

- I wish you were here with me, - you murmured to his picture, as you got up to put on yet another melancholic Christmas song.

You were so distracted, singing along to the lyrics, screaming "it  won't feel like Christmas without you", that you didn't hear the doorbell at first.

- Must be my pizza, - not bothering to turn off the music you rushed to open the door.

You couldn't believe your eyes. There was your prince charming, dressed up in a Santa Claus costume.

- Jared? - you whispered, still in shock, - is that really you?

- Ho ho ho! - the familiar voice caressed your ears as you jumped into his arms.

- I missed you so much! - you exclaimed.

- What are you talking about I'm Santa, why would you miss me? - his joking expression turned into the sweetest smile, - I missed you too, baby.

- I thought you were on tour, - you mumbled into his shoulder, not letting go, - I didn't think you'd be home for a few weeks!

- How could I stay away from you for so long, especially when it's Christmas? I love you way too much for that.

When he kissed you Christmas finally felt right.

- Merry Christmas, my love.

- Ho ho ho Merry Christmas! - he slipped back into the Santa mode, readjusting his red and white hat, when he looked at a cookie on a windowsill.

- Did you bake this for Santa? - he asked, still pretending to be Santa Claus.

- Well yeah.

- Thank you!

- I have a whole plate of cookies for you, but this one's for actual Santa, - you chuckled.

- How can you say I'm not "actual Santa"? Is someone trying to get on Santa's naughty list? - he frowned jokingly, still holding you close.

- Don't tell me you're gonna pretend to be Grinch next year!

- Is that a challenge?

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