Christmas Without You

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Warnings: maybe a bit sad (only the start)
Plot: you are celebrating Christmas alone, because Jared is on tour, or isn't he?!
Please, listen to this song, while reading!
Today is Christmas Eve. It's the first time I'm not celebrating it with my family or my friends. It's supposed to be the first time I was celebrating with my boyfriend. But no, not this year. My boyfriend is on tour with his very famous band. Yes, I am Y/n and my boyfriend is Jared Leto.
I know it's selfish, but I hate when he goes on tour. He's somewhere on another continent, miles from home, from me. And because of the different time zones, we barely phone each other.
Of course, I didn't give up decorating Christmas tree. I even cooked a ginger bread house and sent Jared a picture. I promised him that I will be strong, but here I am, crying in front of the Christmas tree with a bowl of ice cream and my "Sad Christmas Playlist" playing in the background.
I know, it's sounds crazy, I've only been with him for four months, but I'm hopelessly in love, no doubt, he is the one. Every second apart from him is physically painful.
When it's time to make a wish, I say out loud:
- Dear Santa, I didn't prepare a wish list, I have everything one could ask for. But, there is a thing, I need him, I need him to be here, with me on Christmas day. That's all I ask for!
Suddenly, I hear the door's opening. Then I hear the oh so special voice:
- Mery Christmas! Where is my ho ho ho?!
I run in the hall, seeing my love wearing a Santa hat. I jump in his arms like crazy and kiss him passionately.
- You're here... - I say.
- How on earth could I miss Christmas with the love of my life?
A/n: that's my very first work, hope you like it. BTW, Merry Xmas😘💖🎄🎁

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