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Warnings: blood, I guess... nothing too scary though
Plot: you find out your boyfriend's a vampire 🧛‍♂️
It was a perfectly normal evening. As soon as you came back from work, you started cooking dinner for Jared, who could be home from the studio any second. Dinner was nothing special - a salad and his favorite vegan steak.
You were chopping vegetables, when you felt a pair of hands around your waist - you didn't have to guess, to know that your sweet boyfriend's back.

- Jay! You're back! - You turned around to face him, - how was your day, love?

- Better now that I'm here, with you, - he gave you one of his loving, special smiles , one that he saved for you and for you only, - it was a long and boring day.

- So? Did you finish the songs?! - you asked excitedly, you may be much more than a fan to him, but at heart you're still an Echelon, - when's 6th album?

- Yeah, we did. But if someone asks, say soon, - he laughed, - now, pleeaase, give your boyfriend a ki...

He couldn't finish the sentence, because, well, you kissed him
, smashing your lips together softly. As he wanted to pull you closer, you broke the kiss off.

- Easy, tiger! I still have to cook us dinner. I bet you're hungry, - you smirked.

- Babe... - he whined.

- Dinner first!

- Oh come on! Sometimes it seems you love food more than me, - Jared laughed, knowing that's definitely not true.

- Maybe, - you answer, - but you don't seem to eat at all. Damn vegans!

- I'll never understand why you hate vegan so much, - he said, exiting to the bathroom.

- Maybe I just like meat too, - you yelled.

What happened next, wouldn't usually attract so much attention, except today it did - you cut your finger with a knife. It was just a little cut, it didn't even hurt much, but there were some blood.

- Baaaabe! - you yelled to Jared, - there's  a bottle of antiseptic in the bathroom, bring it, please!

- On it. Are you okay?

You finally saw him coming to you, but there was something wrong. His sky blue eyes were now blood red. And from his were visible to fangs. Just like vampires in your favorite movies had.

- What the hell? - you almost screamed, but you weren't actually scared, not really, you knew he would never hurt you, - what tHE HELL?!

- Baby, I can explain... - he said, but didn't dare to come closer.

- I see, my cut isn't the most important thing. WHAT ARE YOU!?? - now you were actually screaming.

- Fine, okay, - he sighed, - I am a vampire.
Yay! I finally finished this one! I plan doing the second part of this #soon 😉
Have a nice day, sweeties 😘

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