"Thanks." Emily said rubbing her hand over her face trying to whip the tears away, thank god she wore waterproof makeup today.

"Anytime." Stiles said and took her hand in his, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Come on let's find Scott and talk to him."

"So, I'm allowed to help again?" She asked as they exited the room and walk through the hallway of the school.

"Yes, you are. You're one of the good guys, so why not." He said and smiled at her.


"Hey, Stiles. Isn't that your dad?" Emily asked pointing at the sheriff who was talking to the principal.

"Yep." Stiles said and grabbed Scott who was standing by his locker. "Hey, come here."

"What?" Scott asked confused.

"Tell us what they're saying." Emily ordered while Stiles dragged Scott to the next corner.

The two teens were pointing at the sheriff who was currently talking to the principal.

"Can you hear them?" Stiles asked impatiently.

"Shhh." Scott hushed his best friend, trying to concentrate on the conversation.

"Curfew because of the body." The werewolf explained.

"Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal while the jerkoff who actually killed the girl is just hanging out doing whatever he wants." Stiles complained.

"You can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek." Emily stated and Scott nodded his head in confirmation.

"I can do something." The boy with the buzz-cut said, sounding pretty determined.

"Like what?" Scott asked.

"Like find the other half of the body." He answered bluntly.

"Are you kidding?" Scott asked, but Stiles grabbed Emily's wrist and dragged her through the hallway away from the werewolf.

"So what's you're super master plan? Driving around the woods, digging random holes hoping you'll find the body?" Emily asked, really wanting to know what was going on in the boy's head.

"I don't know yet." Stiles stated and they both entered they next class.


Later that night, Emily was doing her homework when her phone suddenly began to ring. She grabbed her phone from the table and looked at the caller-ID seeing that Stiles was calling her.

"Hey, Stiles how can I help you?" The girl answered her phone.

"Scott smelled blood on Derek's property." Stiles said.

"And you're telling me this why?" Emily questioned, being confused.

"Cause you're officially part of the team now. So you're getting involved with all our great plans of how to spend our free time." Stiles explained.

"So, I'm part of your great free-time-adventures?"

"Yeah exactly. That's also the reason why I'm standing in your driveway right now, picking you up. So get down here." The boy ordered and hung up.

So Emily got up from her chair grabbed a jacket from her closet and wandered downstairs. Once she stepped out of the house she saw Stiles leaning against his blue jeep. Emily had to admit that he looked pretty hot leaning against the car like that.

"Hop, Hop. Scott's waiting for us." Stiles said and hoped into the driver's seat while Emily got into the seat next to him.

They reached the McCall house not even 5 minutes later, thanks to Stiles ignoring every single traffic rule. Stiles got out of the jeep and ran towards the front door and almost ran against it. Emily on the other side didn't feel the need to hurry and walked onto the porch in the speed of a normal human being. Once she reached Stiles on the porch he opened the door and grabbed the girl's hand dragging her with him while he sprinted up the stairs to Scott's door.

Crossbow Down [Stiles Stilinski] Where stories live. Discover now