|Sweet and Bitter| - Chapter 19 [Read A/N-]

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Also [M/N] stands for your moms name-

Pov: Its Christmas and you're sitting with me, while making ou-


"Your father is here."

[Y/N] dropped the bought things from their hands and stared blankly. "What?" They muttered weakly. "I'm sorry, I know I should have already told you this and not just disappear with an excuse. I thought he will think I'm there and leave this city behind for once and for all." The [H/C]s mother explained with worry in her eyes. "I'm sorry for interrupting, but this is a bad thing right?" Selever asked. "It is, it really is." [Y/N] answered. "You might be Selever, am I right? I know it's not the perfect timing, but I am [Y/N]s mother." The woman introduced herself. "Uh-" The boy gulped. "It's a pleasure to meet you miss..?" He gestured with his hand, because he didn't know what to call the [H/C]s mother. "Oh you may call me [M/N]." She smiled slightly. Selever nodded and smiled back. "I am truly happy that you guys are getting to know each other, but I think we should be thinking of a solution, cause I don't know if you forgot, but like, a kilLER IS SEARCHING FOR US." [Y/N] almost shouted the last part. The boy's eyes widened as he choked on his own saliva for a bit. "A KILLER? BRO THE FUCK IS WITH YOUR LIFE?" He yelled. "Yeah, well you see- My dad is kinda a bad person." The [H/C] said with a kind of worried voice. "KINDA?" The demon wheezed out. The other teen just shrugged with an irritated look.

"I'm sorry Sweetie, so what should we do?" Their mother asked. "You asking me? How should I know? You know what happened and why is he outside again." [Y/N] said. [M/N] hesitated a bit, then started. "Well, when you were at the church without me, he came to our house, and almost killed me. I called the cops, but he was already gone when they got there. I didn't want you to go back there, so I called Sarv and told her that I got this sickness and you can't come near me. I just wanted to keep you safe." She sighed, then continued. "Then I made papers with a friend of mine who helped me, and I got it officially that I am no longer in this city, so if your father would look up, he would not find me, or you again. I had to tell you this too, I didn't want you to be in danger. Then I just continued to live my life a bit quieter, living with a that friend who helped me with it, and hiding from your father." She explained.

"Thats though man." Sel stared in shock. "I understand, but why does he want to kill you?" [Y/N] asked, with a bit shaky voice. "Because I gave him up to the cops back then." Their mother exhaled. "I am afraid, we can't do anything [Y/N], I'm sorry." She lowered her head. The [H/C] started to tear up at their mothers words. The tall boy noticed this and felt sorry for them. "Hey, hey, hey it's okay [Y/N], everything will be okay." He placed a hand on the other teens shoulder. "No, Selever. My father is a killer, he had done it already and he will do it again. If he wanted to kill his own wife who he has a child with, why he wouldn't kill anyone else?" A tear rolled down on [Y/N]s face. "I don't want you and your family to be in danger." They frowned. The tall boy just watched and felt something weird inside of him. His heart ached at the sight of that tear and that sadness.

"But a part of my family is already in danger." He said it, he didn't know why he did, but he said it. His wings drooped slightly, even he was surprised. Selevers cheeks turned bright red suddenly and he hesitantly removed the hand from [Y/N]s shoulder.

The other teen just stared and a tint of crimson creeped onto their face. "Selever, I- " They began, but the demon just planted a close-eyed, small peck on their cheek, then opening an eye to look at [Y/N]. He quickly pulled away after, backing up a bit. "I- I'm sorry, I just wanted to do that before it's too late-" He sweat, but the other one managed to return the favor, hopping a bit to reach him. The tall boy just stared. "Selever, it's all good. I wanted to do this too." They answered with a flustered smile. "You are too cute." [M/N] giggled in the background. "MoOOm!" The [H/C] turned around. "Alright, alright, I'm sorry." The mom apologized. "We'll work this out cutie." Selever grabbed [Y/N]s hand with a smile, purring slightly. "Yeah, I hope." They said, wiping a tear away. "Come on, I know who could help us." Sel confidently said, and dragged his- now partner he'd guess- after him.

"Now, here we are." Selever stopped when they reached the church. "The church? But- " [Y/N] started. "Well, you know, since we talked about Ruv, I decided to talk with him last night, because I woke up and I couldn't sleep, and it turns out maybe I don't hate him that really big of a much- " He explained. The [H/C] just grinned at this. "Ruvyzvat? I know how is he, but how could he help?" [Y/N]s mother asked. The demon just smirked at this, and gestured for her to go in as he opened one of the big doors.

"Ruv, can you help [Y/N] and her mother out? They have some serious thing goin' on." He walked up to his father, kind of whispering the last part to him. Ruv grunted and gestured with his hand to follow him. They all sat down at a table. "What is that problem you talking about?" He asked with his thick Russian accent. "You see, my father is a killer that had gone into prison a long time ago, but he managed to escape somehow and he is hunting for us now. We can't do anything, because he always gets away from the police and no-one even knows where he could be right now. We are not strong enough to fight him, and I'm aware that he had a few people help him escape from the prison, so he might team up with them." [Y/N] explained to Ruv. The man nodded. "I understand and you don't have to worry, I'll see what I can do, but I won't let that man succeed." He said, even a very small, reassuring smile could be seen on his face for a few seconds. Ruv really liked [Y/N], he has known them for a very long time now, since they were just a baby. Since Sarv and [M/N] were really good friends, Selever and [Y/N] were often together, but the two can't quite remember, because it was a really long time ago, before the [H/C]s father became aggressive and he got locked in prison. After that, [Y/N]s mom became severely introverted and overprotective for a long time. It took time for her to be herself again, but she made it trough eventually. Because of this, the two children weren't together at all, so they couldn't really get memories they would remember, because it wouldn't have been that much far into the past. The time [Y/N] spent there was always good though. Even Ruv enjoyed the small human around him. He always thought they were somehow a bit of his child, even tho he would never say that out loud. ((Ikr this rather fem in my opinion, but I really wanted to include this- maybe its just fem in my eyes idk💀 Also idk if Im not sticking to the original 'lore' or smth, but I can't remember what was it and this makes the story more normal or idk if you ask me, but the first chapters are not real, they were just a fever dream😭/hj ))

"Thank you Ruv so much." [M/N] smiled warmly. The tall man grunted and dipped his head in response. "I owe you this." He said while giving a knowing look, then walked up some stairs and disappeared for now. "Uhh mom? What did exactly he mean by 'owed'?" [Y/N] walked up to their mother. "Well, you know I helped him with things in the past. He had problems with people and I supported him as much I could. It was a long time ago though." She answered with a bright smile. Selever tried figuring out that should he take that as an insult or not, but he just hoped that he indeed was not adopted. "Mhm- So what is our task now?" [Y/N] asked, a slight worry in their eyes. "We'll just have to wait and see." Their mother replied, as she stroked their cheek kindly before walking off. The [H/C] looked at the ground, anxiety filling their body. "Hey everything will be alright. Besides you've got me on your side, bitch." Selever stood behind them, telling them the second sentence as an attempt to cheer them up a bit. "I know, I know." The other teen said, smiling a bit. "Let's sit down, I'm tired already." The demon said, stretching and making his way toward his room.

When the now couple, got in the room. Selever plopped down on his bed and stretched. [Y/N] just stood there and watched. Then when the boy noticed this, he looked at them. "What are you waitin for? Come here cutie." He siad as he smirked. The [H/C] chuckled softly and sat down slowly. Sel rolled his eyes and tackled the nervous looking [Y/N]. They laughed and the other teen fought back playfully. "I'm happy that you are here." They said as they hugged the demon. "Me too- Yeah." He managed to get out, looking away with a reddish face.

What he noticed was that [Y/N] yawned and laid back on the bed. "Sleepy, aren't we?" He asked. "A bit." The [H/C] replied. Without any warning Selever hugged [Y/N] close and purred softly. They hugged him back and fell asleep for a tiny bit.

Shit is getting real fr
I said it will be the last chap ikik, but I wanted to get this out, bc I havent been able to write in the pst few days- sorry abt that :')
Take this as a part 1 for the last chap so there will be more
Hope yall forgive me and also its almost 2000 words :')
Also ikr the confession was kinda poorly made, but he will make up for it so yh🕺💃🕺💃

See yall in the next chapter ^^

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