Chapter 12 /The past/

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3rd persons pov

After crying on the ground, you stood up, wiping your tears away.You walked to the fridge to get some ice cream when you phone rang.You had enough of phone calls and you didn't want to talk with anyone.You thought it was your mother again.You walked over to it with ice cream in your hands.It was..Rasazy.You surprised but picked it up anyways. "H-Hey." You sniffed. "Hello Y/N- Wait, are you crying?" She sounded a bit worried. "Uh, I can't lie to you..I did." You sighed. "Oh my god, is everything alright?" She asked. "Well not really, but why did you call in the first place?" You wiped you eyes. "Oh yea, so, wasn't Selever there?" She asked while sounding nervous a little. "..Um, yea, he was here." You said. "You don't know where he may be?" Rasazy's questions seemed weird to you. "Isn't he there?" You started to get worried. "No, Selever didn't came home." She said. "Oh shit.." You muttered. "Is there something wrong? Does Sel have something to do with that you cried?" She started to understand. "We had an argument and he got away, but I don't know where he went." You explained. "Oh no..Okay, you try to find him where you was with him and we try to find him in other places.You can get to the church too, we go further away." She told the plan.You said goodbye and put the ice cream back in the fridge. "It's time to search for you boy." You said and walked out to the streets covered in snow.

You looked at your phone to see it was already 6:14 pm.You sighed and started to go on a search for Selever.You got to the cafe, the church, the school, even back to the shop where he bought you ice cream on the first day.He was nowhere to be found.You even texted to Rasazy, but she and her parents haven't got any closer to him either.You started to give up after nearly 2 hours of trying to find Selever.You was just endlessly walking.It was dark now and there was barely a few people on the streets.A few minutes later you could see a familiar looking guy.It was him.He was sitting in the snow.You carefully walked to him and sat down, right next to him. "I'm sorry.." He said out of nowhere.You looked at him.He wasn't looking at you.He was looking forward. "..It's okay." You said. "Huh? I was so rude and I yelled at you, and you just say 'It's okay'?" He looked at you. "Yeah, I don't wanna keep this tense mood between us." You said. "Oh, I guess you are right.I'm still sorry for what I said to you..I was acting like a child and a jerk." He apologised. "Thats true, but I should have said something at least.." You said, looking down. "What?" He asked. "You're not my friend Selever.." You said and he was sitting there, not understanding. "You're my bestest and coolest friend Sel." You smiled at him.He was really happy.He stood up with you in his arms.He lifted you up and you was spinning around with as he kept you up in the air.You let out a laugh as he cheered.(So wholesome please-)

When he finished spinning, he hugged you.You hugged back. "I'm happy to hear that." He said. "Aww, you can be so cute." You said to him as he got a little pink. "Hey!" He giggled. "Oh, also I forgot to text to Rasazy.We we're searching for you for like the last 2 or 3 hours." You took out your phone. "Yea- Im sorry for that one too." He said. "Keep in mind that it's rare when I say sorry.Feel special Roachy, feel special." He said. "I'm feeling really special by being called 'Roachy'." You smiled. "Okay, a few minutes and they will be here." You turned to him. "Okay." He sat back down. "What are you doing? It's cold here." You asked him. "I know." He said.You sat down beside him. "Uhm, I have a question.Why do you hate Christmas?" You asked nervously.He thought of that for a moment. "Well, you know, my dad is a..weird person.He almost was never home.Mom tried to make me not notice it, but eventually I did.He sometimes wasn't there at halloween and easter what didn't really bothered me as a little kid, but he was never there at Christmas..He even left out my 10th birthday." He begin. "Ouch." You said "Yeah, he is barely at home nowadays too, but Christmas is not about happiness and stuff for me.Theres just more to that..You know, a few years ago there was a girl I really liked that way.So one day she asked me to come over for Christmas night..She introduced her boyfriend to the family." He said. "Oh, that bitch." You sighed. "Christmas sucks." He says. "No, it does not." You laid in the snow.He looked at you. "It's cold here." You was freezing. "How do you not froze already here? You haven't even got a jacket." You turned your face to look at him. "I don't know.I guess I just can stand cold." He shrugged. "I'm gonna freeze here." You said then shivered.He laid down next to you.He turned his head to you.You did the same.Y'all was staring at each other.You smiled almost laughing. "You are really cold, aren't you?" He chuckled a bit. "Y-yeah.." You stuttered because of how cold you was. "Come here." He sighed.You got closer to him as he sat up.You did too.He hugged you to himself closely.He was actually warm.It was comforting.After a bit you got very sleepy and fell asleep.When he noticed that, he silently giggled and sighed.He was a bit pink tho.

A few minutes later Sarv,Ruv and Ras came back.They saw Sel sitting there with you in his arms.Ras teased him a little.When he told what happened, everyone but Selever went inside.He got you home and laid you down in you bed, smiling. "Good night, see you tomorrow." He said then went home.He also took your key with him, locking the door.Luckily you had another set of keys for tomorrow.It was a long day.


Phew, chapter 12 is finally done 🥲
I was working hard on it so I hope you like it- Also later there will be some about Y/Ns father too, don't worry I'm planning somethings here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I go now, have a great day/night, bye for now :>

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