Chapter 7 /New pal/

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As you was walking with Selever and Rasazy, you couldn't stop thinking about food.You was really hungry.Selever and Ras was too.When you all finally got to the kitchen there was your favourite food on the table.Your eyes were shining.You quickly walked over to the table and sat down on the chair. "Holy cow, that looks hella fine Sarv." You said still being amazed by the food. "Aww, thank you sweetheart.I made the food, myself." Sarv said proudly. "Yea moms food is always hella fine." Sel said, sitting down on the chair next to you. "Awww Honeyyy, that's so sweet." The nun said while walking over to her son and leaving a smooch on his head. "MOOM!NO-" He screamed embarrassed, as he tried to get his mother off him.You chuckled and Rasazy did too.Sel just grunted and crossed his arms. "Okay guys, let's eat and then go to somewhere." You said and took a bite from F/F (favourite food :>).

You finished the breakfast and stood up. "Thank ya Sarv for the food, I'll be in the living room if anyone needs me." You quickly said as you ran off.You grabbed you phone from the couch and looked at it.There was no messages from you mom witch was a little weird for you cause she always sends something to you or calls you.You decided to write her good morning.


                                          Hey ma, good morning
Oh, hello sweetie!
Good morning, hope you slept well.

                                                 Good morning mom
                     I just came to say good morning so-

Wait, you gotta get to the apartment for 8:30pm for the latest.It's at [insert streets name and address I guess ;-;].

Oh, yea.Thanks mom :D
Bye, I write later

Bye hun :>

You looked at your mothers text and put down your phone.A few second later Selever showed up in the room. "Ey Roachy, what we doin?" He asked, plopping down on the couch beside you. "I don't cram like last time?" You asked but he started to shake his head from right to left "Nah, I'm not interested in ice cream right now." He replied. "Then what? Do you have a better idea?" You asked, turning to him. "Actually no..but what if we ask Rasazy?" He said as he stood up, ready to go to Rasazys room. "Yea, that could be a good idea." You agreed and walked to the room. "Ras, you here?" He asked while opening the door. "Yea, do you need me?" She asked, jumping off her bed. "What do you think we should do?" You walked into the room. "Well, I actually think I know what should we do." She said. "What is it?" You asked excited. "There's this new movie that came out a few days ago.Today they're playing it in the cinema..I though we maybe could watch it together." She said silent, with a nervous look on her face.We looked at each other with Selever and then back to her. "We watch it with you Ras, witch one is it?" You said.Rasazy told you and Sel everything about the movie and you wanted to watch it too now.It was like a murder mystery thing.You found it exciting and entertaining.Sel just went with it, but he liked it also. "And when is it starting?" You ask her. "Well I don't know they play it 3 times today but I haven't looked up to the site of the cinema." She explained. "Then let's see." You say as you grab your phone and open google.You typed the cinemas name and it was there. "Okay so, 1:30pm, 5:45pm and 9:00pm." You read the numbers. "We won't get there to the 1:30pm because it's 1:28pm already, so 5:45pm or 9:00pm?" You looked at them. "I vote to 9:00pm." Selever said, leaning backwards. "I think that would be better tho, because of its darker and stuff." Ras said. "Then okay, also the movie is about one and a half, or two hours long." You say, reading the text. "That means we end up leaving at 10:30pm or later." Rasazy leans on the couch. "Mom won't be angry?" She asks. "Ras, mom will understand it I'm sure." Selever said, then nervously giggled. "I think we should tell her now if we don't want trouble." She said, starting to back out of the living room to find her mother.Then she suddenly bumped into the nun. "What do you need to tell me exactly?" She asked with her hands on her hip. "Oh it's just that we're going out tonight to see a movie in the cinema." Selever said, putting his hands in his pockets. "Oh, that's okay.How much time is it, and when are you going?" She asked. "It's like 2 hours and it's starts at 9:00pm." He replied to his mother smoothly. "Mhm, okay at 9:00pm- AT 9:00PM?" Sarv screamed as her eyes widened. "That's late for a long movie like that." She said as her eyes squeezed a little. "It's okay ma." Sel said. "I don't know kids." She moved her hand to her chin. "Pleaseee." Rasazy begged. "Hmm...Okay, but only if y'all stay together and will be careful." She said sighing.Everyone cheered, but then you remembered. "Oh no- Guys." You tugged a bit on Selevers shirt. "I just remembered my mother said I gotta be at the apartment at 8:30pm..I'm sorry." You said. "Well, fuck." Sel said. "Selever, don't you dare to cuss in front of me."  His mother said. "Okay, okay whatever.." He muttered. "We can still go to the 5:40pm one." You spoke up. "I don't know..We wanted it at nighttime." He said. "Then what if we go to watch it at next weekend?" You asked, looking up at them. "Then what do we do today?" Rasazy asked suddenly.Everyone started to think of an idea. "Wait, I heard there's a new amusement park near." Ras said. "That's a good idea but we can still watch the movie tho." You said, bringing back the movie. "Eh- maybe." Selever accepted that you wanted to go to that movie today. "I'll take that as a "Yes we can go to that movie at 5:40pm, thank you Y/N for the brilliant idea!"." You said while trying to speak like Selever. "I don't even sound like this." He giggled. "Can I speak too?" Sarv asked making y'all to stop laughing. "Sure Sarv." You said. "When you wanted to tell me this?" She sighed. "Oh god, I wanted to, I swear..I just know it for about an hour ago." You said, remembering that you didn't told her yet. "It's okay just make sure you tell me next time." She smiled. "Yea Sarv." You nodded. "So what are we doing till then?" Rasazy asked, making you to look at her. "We could go to..I don't know." You gave up thinking. "So Y/N, since you're new here, want me- us to show you around?" Sel asked, sounding a bit nervous. "That sounds fun, sure." You say getting up from the couch. "So where do we start?" You ask looking up at Sel. "There are a lot of places and stuff..Let's go." He said walking towards the church's big, white doors.He showed you quite beautiful places and some shops, restaurants.It was time to get back to the church before the movie starts.You was walking on the street you heard a little sound.You stopped while looked around yourselves.It was a high sound. "What is it Roachy?" Selever asked while raising a brow at you. "Did you heard that too?" You asked him, still trying to find the sounds direction. "What?" He asked again.Then the sound could be heard again. "This." You replied.It was kinda like a meow.Then you felt something on your leg.You quickly looked down.It was a kitten. "Oh my gosh." You froze.It was rubbing itself to your leg.It was a little, black, male kitty. "Hey little one." You said while sitting on the ground and petting the cat. "What the fuck are you doing?" He asked, crouching down next to you. "It's just a kitten." You looked at Sel.He knew what you want. "Oh no no no no, we can't." He said stubbornly. "Pleaseee." You begged. "Mm..look, I don't know...a black cat in a church?" He started to think. "But look at him." You asked him.He did it.The cat went to him and rubbed to his knee.He petted the kitten. "Sooo?" You asked, hoping he says yes. "..Okay." He sighed in defeat and as you cheered he chuckled a bit.You then grabbed the cat and walked back to the church with him and Sel.


Ey guys its me :D
Its been a little long till the last chapter but please understand that I had a really busy week.I still has math exam tomorrow so :/ Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and dont mind the typos, its possibly because Im not english myself, but I know a lot tho-

Bye peeps- see y'all in the next chapter :>

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