Beauty and the Best sneak peek

Start from the beginning

So far the Calabrian has stuck to it. He tried reasoning with the Sacra Corona as well with the child trafficking telling them that if they kept that up he would end it and that night he was going to make sure he did because they obviously weren't listening.

Not only that, but the Sacra Corona was also allegedly going on a killing spree to get rid of Silas's well built armies even though they are all associated. It seems they wanted to start their own separate army. In Silas's  eyes they were dumb to even think they were smart enough to go up against him thinking He wouldn't find out.

"Ok they just spiked our drinks." Leslie whispers in Silas ear. He follows her finger and watches as a young man that looked to be about twenty, pours something out of a small packet into the drinks before setting them in front of them.

Silas knew they'd spike their drinks so they could hold him hostage and try to break down his army and the whole Mafia piece by piece. He was aware they wanted to gain the power he had, but little do they know, Silas has been in this since he was a juvenile. He knows exactly how to handle these people. Silas smirked to himself, "I've been playing this games of chess for years...let's see who's checkmate." Silas whispers to Leslie.

He clears his throat, "So Mr Vadacca, I was wondering if you could enlighten me on the plans of the whole child trafficking that you've been going on about. They seem so sudden seeing that you didn't have a plan not even a month ago nor did you have anything of that matter plus I swore I warned you what would happen if you continued."

Mr. Vadacca was the typical "Mafia dad". An old Italian man who was stuck in his horrid and disgusting ways. Who cheats on his wife several times with girls young enough to be his daughter's best friend.

Silas like to keep his assassinations blunt and quick. It was already going on eight o'clock and he was ready to go home.

"Well Silas..I'm sorry I mean, 'don Micu o Giannuzzu, but the way this mafia works is how it's been working since the day it started." Vadacca says.

Silas keep quiet and observed him closely. He didn't give a damn how long they've been doing it, it's wrong. Silas smiles as he recalls eyeing a nervous Vadacca, he noticed the other Don kept touching the gun that sat on the table. One of Vadacca rules it to put all weapons on the table where everyone can see. You also get pat down as well to make sure everything is on the table.

That's why Silas had his guys outside waiting for the signal.

"Well I just want to address the fact that since your letting your men sex traffic children, which is by the way utterly disrespectful and disgusting  their are some consequences, such as I want to call off our alliance." In amusement Silas watches as Vadacca face turns beat red.

He stammers and sputters as he speaks, "No! with all respect don Micu o Giannuzzu I think that's very unnecessary."

He turns to Sirena and nods his head slightly.

She leans forward catching the guy in front of her attention.

Silas couldn't hear what she said to the guy but soon they both stand up and walk away.

"Fine I guess we can talk this out." Silas says playing along.

"Thank you." Vadacca lets out a strained sigh.

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