Bella Swan

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Wow, even her NAME means beautiful swan. WOW! Not even one sentence in and there's already a sin.

"I'm really more of a 'suffer-in-silence' type."

―Bella on herself

That's what you're gonna tell me? You pity yourself? And what even is this suffer in silence shit? 

Bella is described as being exceptionally clumsy, dropping and tripping over everything in sight, and so is easily described as the most fragile human in the world; however this changes once she is transformed into a vampire.

Okay first of all, being clumsy is not a flaw. 
And com on! The most fragile human being on earth? 
And clumsiness is a quality, NOT a flaw that can change by some sort of transformation. 

Bella is also described as reclusive, quiet, insecure but kind-hearted, compassionate and caring towards others. She also cares for the rest of the Cullen family, her father and mother , and her friend Jacob Black. She has a tendency to underestimate the people around her mainly because of her concerns for their safety.

Disguising a flaw as a good thing. Come on Steph, give her some character of sort! 

Having learned to take care of her mother over the years and being naturally responsible, Bella had developed into a very mature person, especially for her age. Because she lacks any skill in anything noticeable as a human, she mostly prefers to spend her free time reading, especially classics, and listening to music.

Wow, intellectual AND a mature, responsible grew-up-fast gal who's SO VERY QUIRKY AND DIFFERENT.  This is terrible, I give it three sins.

When it comes to fashion, Bella is somewhat of a tomboy. She hates dressing up, saying that makeup "is a pain" and that she feels uncomfortable in impractical, elegant clothes; however, doesn't care what Bella thinks and continues to persuade her to dress up and look glamorous.

SO VERY QUIRKY AND NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS! How did this book even get published? Oh and, go away  Team Edward or Team Jacob, I'm team Alice!

 She doesn't like spending money on luxurious items, as she stated to Edward in New Moon 'not to spend a dime on my birthday,' and that fast cars are unnecessary, saying that Edward gave her himself and anything else he gives her would throw their relationship off balance. 

Yep,ten sins coming right up!
*Ding* *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

She hates being singled out, and doesn't like her birthday being celebrated. She also has very negative views on teen marriage due to her parents' early experience, but learns to overcome them later.

What type of person dislikes their birthday being celebrated?? (unless you have any trauma or aversion to birthdays, in which case I am sorry if it offended you) And everyone sane has a negative view on underage marriage, so YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL.

She prefers to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself and hates when someone tries to understand her, which is thought to be why Edward is unable to hear her thoughts. She is also known to be incredibly stubborn, because of her determination to become a vampire in order to be with Edward forever. 

"nO oNe uNdErStAnDs mE!"

 She is also said to possess poor acting skills. 

Despite being a good enough actress to convince her father than she has dumped Edward and is leaving Forks. 

Bella has a sarcastic sense of humor, especially when she gets mad. She is also very brave, able to block painful thoughts and memories (hence her special vampire ability), and tends to come face-to-face with life-threatening danger head-on, even though she can get scared later. She puts Edward before herself and everybody and everything else.

Okay, she's selfless, pretty, brave and determined. The only thing that stops her from being a Mary Sue is her social awkwardness and clumsiness. (which by the way, she loses once she became a vampire)
*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Stephenie Meyer has stated that Bella's "tragic flaw" in Eclipse is her lack of self-knowledge. This is most obviously illustrated in her consistent denial of any romantic feelings for Jacob Black, despite the fact that she later realizes that she is, indeed, in love with him.

Oh-so tragic indeed! Two extra sins for Stephanie!
*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Bella is also a very bad liar. According to , and saying that she's a terrible liar, are evidence to this. Besides, she also admits this throughout the whole saga.

But she seemingly manages to lie to herself about her romantic feelings for Jacob!
*Ding* *Ding* *Ding* 

Bella, according to Edward in , has no sense of fear when she finds out Edward is a vampire. Instead of running away, as she should have, she decides to ask lots of questions with extreme curiosity.

The man's a literal overgrown mosquito and a 104 year old pedophile and she's not scared.
*50 dings*

Now add in just how similar she is to Stephanie in physical terms and her after becoming a vampire. 
*100 dings*

TOTAL SINS: 189 rounded off to 200.
SENTENCE/WORD: They ruined ISFPs for me.

That's it for today, people! Please remember, vote, comment and share. It really helps.

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