Chapter: 24- Wings of a Devil

Start from the beginning

Kishibe placed the notepad aside as Quanxi let out a faint grin, giving Frost a warning. "The secret to living a good life... is that ignorance is bliss." She continued as a gun appeared behind Denji, "Kishibe, be a good dog and keep your collar on, some advice from your former buddy."

There was a swift gust of wind, the places changed, Denji was on the floor as Long gripped him. She shouted at Quanxi as both Kishibe and Quanxi stood up with punches at each other. Quanxi quickly tossed Kishibe outside through the window as he landed atop Kobeni's car. 


Frost cursed, she drew her polearm and engaged in direct combat with Quanxi. "Unhand Denji!" Power shouted at Long as she held Pingsti. "Frost devil, come with me quietly and I'll make your death swift." Quanxi said as Frost kept showering her with blows. On the other side, Beam appeared to Denji's rescue, "Stay away from lord chainsaw! Filthy monsters!"

Frost tossed Quanxi away where she stood face-to-face with Yoshida.

"Mind if I get a rematch?" He said with his usual sly grin.

This time, Yoshida landed a direct blow on her face, "Your strength isn't human huh?" He chuckled as Frost kept attacking Quanxi from behind, right until Quanxi tossed Frost aside and picked Yoshida up. 

"H-hey!" He gasped as Quanxi threw her outside the same window. Luckily for him, his octopus devil stopped him from crashing to death. 

"Aw shit! I got separated from Snow!" Yoshida looked up as Kishibe approached him, "Why is she going to be in trouble?"

"No, I needed to stay there to make sure she didn't go overboard... That menace might even kill her own teammates if she's not controlling her power."

Frost stood behind Quanxi in pure rage, "So you've chosen death." She spun her spear and charged at her with an unmatched speed, 'What the- did her speed increase?' Quanxi grunted as she barely managed to keep the polearm from cutting off her head.

"Monster..." Aki mumbled at Quanxi for throwing Yoshida off like that. Just then, Aki saw a glimpse of the future, Santa Claus, Michiko, the woman controlling Santa Claus. Something stirred up and in a sudden moment, everything changed.

"Bye-bye grandpa." Michiko said to Santa Claus as he stabbed his heart, "My heart... and my beloved children... I pledge to you... In return... Hell devil..."

"...Invite every living being in this mall to hell." Michiko completed.

"What is this?" Kishibe said as Yoshida and the other stared in shock. A huge hand appeared above the mall, grasping it into it's fist.

Yoshida gulped in horror, "...Snow!!"


The place looked like flowers spread open on corpses. Ugly doors that covered the sky and an unnatural separation of flora and fauna. Aki quickly came to Denji and Power, yet Power seemed off, rather, all the fiends seemed traumatized. 

"Temporary truce, there's something wrong with the fiends."

Power was awfully quiet, unmoving and the other fiends were shouting, Violence, Beam, Long and Angel. A sense of horror took over them, "We're finished... This is hell..." Quanxi was trying to assist her fiends as Frost watched, such a cold hearted assassin, being so soft towards her women.

"L-lady Quanxi... I'm going to lose my mind..." Pingsti said, "L-lady Quanxi... p-permission to k-kill myself?" Quanxi gasped and quickly held the trembling woman, "Idiot! I'll get us out of here! Don't you dare say that..." 

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