Chapter 10- Himeno

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"Don't you die..."


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DEVIL's Lullaby: CHAPTER: 10- Himeno


"See? We're already soulmates Snow!"

Himeno said as she offered Frost a sweet momo dumpling. "Soulmates as in... our souls are bound to be together?" Frost said as she took the dumpling. "Hmm? Something like that!" Himeno said and smiled. Frost opened her mouth to take a bite when suddenly, they heard noise.

"Huh? Did 'cha hear that Snow?"

Frost frowned and looked outside the window. "Something awful..." She murmured. "Huh, you're all fools! It's the sound of drums!" Power said as Aki looked at her, "A festival's going on?" He asked.

"How can you all eat ramen here? It's awful."

An anonymous voice entered the conversation. "Who's he?" Himeno said as she looked at the man. "Tastes fine to me..." Denji eyed the man. "I see, so you must've only had one dish all your childhood. You have no taste... having an unrefined plate lowers happiness." the man spoke in a low but audible tone.

"Hey I'm happy!" Power looked at Frost as she looked back at her, "You are?" She teased as Aki looked at her, "You can joke?" He asked as if to tease Frost.

"Well...Denji... you loved my father too right?"

The man stood up and showed Denji a familiar picture of an old farmer, standing with his son. "What... are ya' getti'n at?" Denji spoke in clear confusion. Then, the man put his hand in his pocket. Frost quickly stood on the table and leaped at Denji, right at the moment when the man took out a gun and shot it at Denji's head. But it hit Frost instead.

"Snow!" Aki shouted as he looked at Frost laying down on the ground, above Denji as she pressed him firmly against her chest, to protect him. The next shot hit Aki's shoulder, then Himeno and then Power. But she ran faster to hit the man while Frost and Denji stood up.

"Top Knot!" Power called out to Aki.


The fox devil emerged out of the building and gobbled up the man while they stood firm. Aki took a turn to see his comrades. His face became pale on the sight he saw. Frost was holding Denji as she looked at her with a horrified face, "I-I... couldn't... save..." She murmured as she gazed at him, the shot got to his brain.

𝐷𝐸𝑉𝐼𝐿'𝑠 𝐿𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑦》Cʜᴀɪɴsᴀᴡ Mᴀɴ X RᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now