HC19 - Holidays

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FINALLY GOT THE MOTIVATION TO WRITE ANOTHER THING!!! Ahhhahahahaha I hope y'all's didn't forget about me

- First of all, the concept of holidays is bound to be foreign to Hunter

- Sure they celebrate things in the Boiling Isles but in the Emperors Coven??!? They barely even get a day off of work how would they have time for a Holiday?

-(to be honest I'm not even sure they celebrate birthdays)

-"Wait so you have days where you just eat food, open gifts, and enjoy others' presence for...fun?"

- This poor, poor child

- Once you show him holiday festivities no matter what traditions you have, he'll listen attentively and have great intent to want do the things with you

- Even if you don't have any traditions (like me) once hearing about the concept of holidays he'd totally wanna make some traditions with you

- This would probably lead to you two doing random crap at 3 in the morning and calling it a tradition even tho you only do it once since once enough was a bad idea

- He would also have a hard time understanding the concept of "traditions" and think that everything you do repetitively is a tradition

- "C'monnnnnn you have to snuggle meeeeee it's a part of the traditionnnnnn 🥺"

- (Even if he does get the concept later on, he would still pretend he doesn't know because adorableness overload would have you snuggled up to him anyways)

- His favorite holiday is probably Halloween or April Fools

- I just see him as the total jokester who would want to play pranks on everyone around him to feed his inner child that he had kept locked away for so long

- And my god is he a menace when it comes to pranks

- I'm just going to say this, for being a head coven guard for so long, he felt out people's attitudes and know exactly how to catch them off guard

- Cue you screaming at him because he sneak attacked you again

- OR if you're more skittish and don't like sneak attacks, he would go more carefully on you playing the little gremlin pranks like switching the cereal boxes and the bags of cereal inside them ❤️

- For the colder months, he would love to snuggle up to you with hot chocolate in front of a fireplace while reading books

- It's just very calming for him, he has glimmer in his eye when he looks down at you silently reading a book in his arms it just makes him all warm and fuzzy inside

- This is for the folks that celebrate Christmas, he is an absolute child when it comes to opening presents

- Would stay up and wait for Santa

- Tries to convince you he exists and shows you "picture proof" that he does (a cut out image of Santa from a magazine)

- It's honestly adorable so you just go along with it

- Would also try and stay up to "Catch Santa" but ends up falling asleep as soon as the lights turn off

- Overall, in the end Hunter loves holidays and loves celebrating with you

- Mainly because he knows it's something special you and him can do with each other (and presents)

- It's also a time where he can remind you how much you mean to him. Because you showed him so many new things and are so patient when he doesn't get certain concepts, he loves you dearly for that and the best part of the holidays for him is truly spending that time with you and showering you with as many gifts as he can give you (most of them being handmade)


I DID IT I probably might be slow with updates so apologies I'll try to get more out tho (trust me I know the struggle with authors that don't update a lot) 

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