HC16- Heterochromia

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Requested by: @BrambleDawn

• Whether it's central heterochromia or complete heterochromia Hunter finds your eyes absolutely gorgeous

• Ever since you two met Hunter loved your eyes, he's never seen anybody other than Eda and Lilith with it, but they received it after their curse was shared, but your heterochromia was different it was obviously a blessing

• He usually likes teasing you and joking around (🙄) but doesn't do it when it comes to your eyes, he loves them

• Honestly, not in a creepy way but he would love to just stare into your eyes, admiring all the colors and how unique they are, they are so beautiful to him

• You trick him into thinking that each of your eyes can see in a different color, that one you can see in black and white and the other is in color, he is thoroughly convinced

• You also tried to convince him that since you have heterochromia you could see his thoughts and feelings by looking into his eyes, he was constantly avoiding eye contact with you after you told him that (that was before you confessed feelings to each other)

• Whether you were born with heterochromia, it being caused by an accident, or it just developed as you aged, he loves your eyes no matter what

• He's a very curious boy so expect him to ask a ton of questions about your eyes from how you got them to what it feels like to have heterochromia

• I can also see him being a total nerd and trying to research about heterochromia to find out more about it since it fascinates him so much

• He secretly wished he had two different colored eyes

• If anyone makes fun of your eye color or teases you about it expect him to go after them and make them regret ever making fun of you 😌

• He finds unique qualities extremely attractive so the moment he saw you had heterochromia he new he was doomed, after that, he had the biggest crush on you (and still does)

• Loves it if your eyes change color depending on the environment you're in or the clothes you're wearing, it's like you have magical eyes even if you're powerless

• He isn't too weird when it comes to your eyes, he really thinks your eyes are so beautiful but he doesn't point it out to everyone and remind you of them all the time, he isn't that annoying

• Understands that sometimes being heterochromatic can attract attention that sometimes you don't want, he understands this from his scar being on his face and he gets that it can be quite annoying sometimes

• Probably goes to Eda and Lilith to find out more about people with heterochromia and how it's like, he usually does this when he doesn't want to bother you with questions

• Every time he looks at you and you catch eye contact he always blushes, he doesn't know why but your eyes always seem to make him blush like crazy, they were so cute and looked adorable on you


Hi there! I hope you liked it! Apologies for the wait

Another should be out later today so keep your eyes peeled!

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