HC12- Coven guard witch reader

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Requested by: @soft_sasha

• Working in the emperors coven wasn't an easy job, you were set to work alongside Golden Guard, the top guard of the coven and the right-hand man to Emperor Belos (god every time I see the words right-hand man my mind
immediately goes to Hamilton)

• When you first started in the emperors coven, you and Golden Guard were practically enemies, you didn't have anything in common and always tried to be better than the other

• After a couple of months with working alongside him he started to open up to you more, he told you his real name, Hunter, he never showed his face though

• Technically, during coven shifts you were forbidden to take your masks off, but there was a day that the sun was so blazing hot that the metal masks were just about burning your skin from the heat so you had to take them off

• He took off his mask first and when he did you noticed he was actually really really cute, (like oml this man be pretty) I mean sure, he had a scar and bags under his eyes but they kinda actually complimented his looks you thought

• When he turned to you and told you to take your mask off you hesitated, you tried to brush it off cooly that you were fine and didn't need your mask taken off

• You never told him how your mask helps improves your confidence as well as mask your true identity, In real life you were very shy and became flustered very easily, you didn't want him to see you like that, you wanted him to see you as the confident person you were when you wore the mask

• Hunter, being the trickster teen boy he is, he quickly swiped your mask off of your face and held it above his head so you couldn't reach it

• He giggled at your struggling and took a moment to take a good look at your face, when he did his smile disappeared into complete infatuation with how pretty you looked

• Blush covered your face as you still struggled not noticing that Hunter was admiring you as you stood

• "aheh- uhm h-hunter is everything good?"

• He blinked himself back to the present realizing what was going on again, he asked you why you didn't want to take the mask off, surely it couldn't be because you were insecure about your looks right?

• You tried to get your mask back but he said he wouldn't let you have it until you told him why you kept it on all the time (the little jerk, we love him tho)

• You sighed and sat over on a nearby bench with Hunter following closely behind you, thankfully it was quite hidden so no one caught you having your masks off on shift

• You told Hunter how when you wore the mask, you were this strong and confident and an overall awesome witch but once you took it off you became really shy and awkward, you didn't want to be teased for being that one awkward coven guard witch of the boiling isles

• Hunter sat there listening closely to what you needed to say, he understood how it feels nice to wear a mask because no one knows who you really are, it makes you more comfortable and more confident

• One thing he disagreed with is when you said that you were "better" than what you were without the mask, to be honest, he really liked your shy personality, he thought it was extremely adorable in fact

• "Y/n, you shouldn't be scared of your true personality and try to hide it, yeah I get that it's nice to be this confident witch but it only makes you cover up who you really are and if I was telling the truth, your true self when you don't wear the mask is so much more fun, you shouldn't hide it"

• He gives you a slight smile that makes your heart flutter, you actually never seen him be this nice and genuine to you before, maybe it was because of being in the emperors coven, he needed to be strong and independent, similarly to you with wearing the mask

• Maybe you two had more in common than you thought, you knew from that moment on, you and Hunter were going to be way better friends, maybe even more someday.....


Hi! I hope you liked it! I tried to get as much info into it as I could, thanks for the request!!

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