Oneshot2 - Runaways (Warning: Angst to happy)

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[Both y/n and Hunter are working for the Emperors Coven as partners]

This story follows the events that happened in "Eclipse Lake"

Trigger warning: Blood, Abuse, graphic injuries

After a long day of working for the emperor and catching thieves of the boiling isles, you lazily make your way up to your room and flop down onto your bed. Hunter was called in to see Belos separately so that left you walking up to your room alone. You wondered why Belos wanted to see only him but Kikimora said it was private information and you were to make your way to your room.

So here you were, lying at the foot of your bed wondering what was happening and why Belos wanted to see Hunter. It was normal for him to call both of you in to talk about your previous mission but only rarely did he get called in alone. Part of you was also worried by how you've seen Belos treat him in the past.

It hurt you seeing Hunter treated so poorly, especially after all he has done for the emperor. It also didn't help that you had grown rather fond of your partner and started developing feelings for him these past few months. He just deserved so much more than how he's treated.

After a time getting lost in your thoughts you hear footsteps approaching your door. You perked up at the thought that Hunter was done with his discussion with Belos and was coming to see you but as you listened to the footsteps they were rapid and hasty. You heard them pass your door and rush into the room next to you. Hunters room. Getting out of bed, you hear rummaging and faint words of him muttering to himself.

Confused, you decided to open the door to the hall to see what happened. That's when Hunters door immediately swung open. Hunter came tumbling backwards, books flew out of his drawstring bag sprawling all over the floor, you hurry over to help him up. He quickly pulls back from your helping hand, turning away from you while picking up his belongings.

"Hey woah woah what's wrong??!?"

Hunter scrambles to his feet while covering his face with his hands.

"y/n get your things now, whatever you can, just get them and meet me out here" he says in a serious voice. A tone you've never heard him use before.

You had no time to question what he said, you just immediately darted to your room to pack everything of importance, clothes, books, hygiene products.

Once you've double checked and got everything packed up, you grab your cloak and head out to the hall to meet Hunter.

"Ok NOW will you explain to me what's going on??"

"Shhh" he interrupts standing behind you. You try to turn around but he grabs hold of your shoulders blocking himself from your view. That's when he whispers in your ear.
"Promise me you won't make a noise"

You nodded, still confused out of your mind as to what was going on.
Hunters grip on your shoulders slowly loosen to let you turn around and face him. Once you do he looks you in the eye.

The sight of him was horrifying, long trails of blood were trickling down his face from above his left eye. There was a huge gash reaching from his forehead splitting his left eyebrow at the arch. You look down at his sleeve that was covered in blood from him trying to stop the bleeding on his own.

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