HC8- When y/n has a pet demon

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Requested by: @nutellas_wife

• He first thought your little demon pet was quite annoying, he's not really good with new things

• Once he began spending more time with the little creature, he figured out that your little demon pet was in fact quite adorable

• Hunter denies that he likes the little demon pet when he's around the other coven guards (because he's a tough golden coven guard), but you know he secretly adores your pet

• When he becomes more comfortable with your pet, he's pretty much like a magnet to them

• Always wanting to give them treats or snacks (you gotta stop this boy, he'll make your pet gain so much weight from the amount of snacks he feeds them)

• You legit can't separate those two they're like best buds now

• But don't worry!  He makes time for you too, he usually spends most of his time with your pet when you're out doing errands or are at school and Hunter is on coven duty break (this child better get breaks when working for Belos I swear if he doesn't-)

• If your pet is like king, expect to come home after running an errand to find Hunter and your pet building pillow forts and playing make believe together

• You didn't think Hunter was really the type of dude to put on a make believe play with a little demon pet but now that you saw it, you can't get it out of your head

• When you're out doing errands, your pet and Hunter talk a bunch "hey Hunter, when are you going to tell y/n you like them?"

• *insert adorable nervous golden guard laugh here*

• Your pet and Hunter tend to talk about you when your out, not as a bad thing, more like Hunter gushing about you then realizing he said too much and making your pet promise not to say anything to you

• Once you get home you do notice that Hunter is being strangely silent, he starts to blush a little while your pet goes over everything they talked about while you were gone, (your pet leaves out the gushing part but likes to tease Hunter by getting close to the topic)

• You just shrug it off and go back to what you were doing

• You, Hunter and your pet like doing movie nights together

• Hunter sits on the couch while your pet sits in the middle of you two, all curled up while watching the movie

• Sometimes you catch both Hunter and your pet laying fast asleep on his bed or the couch, your demon pet all snuggled into his cape as he slowly pets their head

• You may or may not have taken a picture for safe keeping,....

• You see that Hunter being around your pet made him more up to trying new things, he just needs the time to get comfy

• When Hunter has to leave to get back to work, you need to check and make sure your demon pet didn't crawl into his bag trying to sneak off to the emperors castle with him

• Once Hunter is gone, your pet gets all sad asking when he's going to come by again

• "Oh hey y/n by the way I think Hunter has a crush on you-"

• Yea Hunter will get your pet back for this


There you go! Thank you for the request I hope you liked it I tried my best! (Woah unintentional rhyme there)

HC requests are always open!

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