(&T)my beautiful siren: jo

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type: supernatural AU 

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type: supernatural AU 

trigger warning: 4(drowning, bullying, cursing, d34th threats)

playlist: sirens by fleurie

word count:  2.7k words(two thousand seven hundred and seventeen words)

"Look at that freak."

"Is he perhaps mentally ill?"

"I've seen him visit the pool at random times, is he a pervert?"

"Bet he likes watching girls in their swimsuits, what a creep."

Jo, as usual, ignored what the other students said about him. He knew that he wasn't a creep.

When he transferred to a new school, he did not expect the students to treat him very well. He was introverted, shy and never really initiated conversation with people. And for his so-called 'bizarre' interest in hanging out by the school pond and the pool. The school swim team has been dismissed after the best swimmers graduated. 

Jo kept a secret from the world. He couldn't let anyone know or else he knew that he might even be killed. He knew why he loved the water, he knew why he kept himself away from others.

On the other hand, Y/N was someone who noticed him first when he came as the new student. He had this alluring vibe in him, something about Jo just pulled her in. She wanted to know him more, she wanted to be his friend. But her friends always took her away from him, telling her that he's a creep and that everyone should stay away from him. But Y/N didn't believe it.

She often took glances, or stared if no one was noticing, at him. His eyes, his nose, everything about him was just so enchanting. Y/N often wondered how his hands would feel like in hers. Would she drown in his eyes if they made contact for more than a second?

Unknown to Y/N, Jo noticed her as well. Very vividly, to be precise. She was the only one in his class to not shit talk about him. He often saw her friends dragging her away from being near him, but she had this determination in her that radiated off of her. Jo always felt like she wanted to talk to him, he wanted the same but he wasn't sure if she really wanted to talk to him. What if it was a part of an elaborate plan to make fun of him? Jo couldn't be any more paranoid considering the hurtful words written on his desk.

Freak. Pervert. Go Drown in the water. Fuck face.

Their first interaction was not a very grand one. Jo was being bullied by a few boys in his class, they were pushing him around.

"Hey freak, you like seeing girls in bikinis?"

"Did you get to nut yourself in the pool yet?"

"Please leave me alone."

His protest had him thrown onto the corridor floor. The boys cornered him and started kicking him.

"Wow, pussy got some guts to talk back to us huh?"

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