I Will Be Better

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138 - Highgarden

"Lord Tyrell!" Visenya greets with a smile, shaking hands with Lord Tyrell. Morghon had long flown to the Vale to protect Rob and his small group; the young dragon had put up only slight resistance in leaving. Visenya hopes that he realizes that the soldiers and Cannibal will protect her.

Cannibal had been adamant in staying near Visenya, first snapping at the Reach soldiers that had come to collect her and bring her to Highgarden and then flying very close to the group while they travelled to the castle.

"We were not expecting you to be the one to show up," Lord Tyrell tells Visenya. He knew she wasn't very ladylike and a warrior herself, but he thought that maybe Lord Tully or Ser Blackwood would have come and dealt with this rather than her.

"I want to ensure that Old Town knows that they will not be safe just because of their status and that the treasury is safe within Highgarden," Visenya tells the older man as he guides her through Highgarden.

The castle was beautiful; there is no other word for it. It wasn't the same kind of beauty that Winterfell, Dragonstone, or Driftmark have. It is simply beautiful. That being said, the strong scent of flowers is not something she is used to; she prefers the salty smell of the sea or even the semi-unpleasant smell of King's Landing.

"I can assure you that it will be," Lord Tyrell tells her, so long that the Tullys sport her, she would have the strength of the Reach behind her. Highgarden is a safe place, and they wouldn't be tempted to spend half of the treasury they would hold.

"Thank you," Visenya thanked him; she doesn't like this part of the war. The boring politics of gaining support and keeping it.

"We have gotten word that they are travelling the Rose Road and have passed Appleton and will be passing Highgarden soon," Lord Tyrell tells her and Visenya nods; she is glad that she had gotten here when she did. She had been careful to fly Morghon and Cannibal above the clouds so that the Greens would not see her coming. That they would think will be successful.

"Perfect," Visenya tells him before stopping their walk in the garden. "I will be needing a horse,"

"Will you not be riding that beast?" Lord Tyrell asks; he knows that they call her a dragon queen, so he thinks she would prefer riding a dragon into battle and not a dragon.

Visenya holds back her tongue, telling the lord not to call her dragon a beast. Sure, he does like to eat others of his kind, but he still has a soft side.

"Cannibal and I are bonded, but I do not think it would be a good idea for me to ride him. I might never be able to," Visenya answers the lord as she fiddles with the blue gem ring on her finger. She would love to be able to ride Cannibal, but they do not have time to make a saddle for him or even know if she would be able to ride him.

"That's not Morghon?" Lord Tyrell asks, he hadn't gotten the news that Visenya had claimed another dragon, but it would make sense that she would.

"No, Morghon has gone to protect Lord Tully while he goes to Runestone. That is the Cannibal," Visenya tells him, smiling as she talks about her dragons.

"Why the name?" Lord Tyrell asks; he doesn't know if he should be pleased about the name.

"He likes to eat dragons, a good thing for us!" Visenya tells him as she backs away she would much rather spend her time with the soldiers than sitting with Lord Tyrell.

– –

Visenya had been right about the Greens sending only a few men with them. Cannibal had not been needed to rain down fire on the men. They had outnumbered the Greens by a stupid amount, and when they had blocked Rose Road, the greens had thrown down their swords and waited for their punishment.

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