History Of Bones

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134 AC - Red Keep

Visenya wishes that the King had more of his mind left, wanting more precise answers from him. Once she feels a hand grip, her arm Visenya pulls out her dagger and pushes the person who has grabbed her into the wall.

Aegon silmey face shoots down any good feelings Visenya had. She pulls the dagger away from Aegon. The last thing she needs is to be accused of trying to kill the prince.

"Prince Aegon," Visenya greets him as she steps away from him, wanting to put distance between the two of them.

"Princess Visenya," Aegon greets, smiling at his niece. Aegon will not allow his brother to be happy while he is not; he had warned Aemond about telling Visenya if he touched him again. "I was hoping to find you before my darling brother does,"

"What do you want?" Visenya asks him. Nothing Aegon would say about how she feels about Aemond, and she knows that Aegon can not be trusted.

"I just wanted to inform you just how alike my brother and I are. I think it would be in your best interest to visit the street of silks and find a woman by the name of Alys Rivers, and she is a witch that operates out of my favourite whore house," Aegon tells Visenya, a sinister smile on his face. He steps away from the wall Visenya had pushed him into and leans down to Visenyas ear. "If you wish for a real man, my bed will always welcome you,"

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134 AC - Street Of Silk

Visenya and Ben walk side by side, keeping their heads down so that any passers do not see them. While no one will not recognize Ben, if someone were to see Visenya's white hair and purple eyes, they would put together about who she is. Ben keeps his eyes darting around him and Visenya while also making sure Visenya's hood stays up. Both of them are armed, Visenya with her sword and sword and Ben with the dragon bone dagger Visenya had given him.

"Zaldrīzes, wait," Ben grabs ahold of Visenya's arm and stops her from walking. "Are you sure that this is the best idea? Aegon could be lying,"

"If he is, worst case, you find a man or woman to fuck, and I will pay for it. Best case, I learn something about Aemond that I didn't know before,"

"How do you know if this is the right place?"

"Daemon still has captained in the city watch loyal to him, and I simply asked them where I could find this woman," Visenya answers as she looks around the streets. She has heard about what happens on the silk streets, but seeing things occurring in front of her makes Visenya jealous of the women's freedom.

Visenya and Ben arrive at where the city watch captains told her to go. She can see women looking out at the women and some on the street yelling things at Ben. Visenya looks to Ben, silently asking them if she should knock or walk into the house. Ben reaches over her and knocks on the door.

A woman that opens the door is not what Visenya had been expecting. The woman is beautiful with short brown hair.

"I am looking for someone by the name of Alys Rivers. I have been told that she works out of this building,"

"The room at the back of the house," The mistress of the house tells them, eyeing Visenya up. Ben moves closer to Visenya, ensuring he takes all the attention away from her.

Visenya has never been in a whore house before. She had been expecting people to be fucking all over the place, but this place seemed nice, there are a few sets of people going at it, but it was not to the extent she had been expecting. Topless women line the walls of the hallway they are walking down, and Visenya has to grab hold of Ben's arm to pull him away from the women.

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